Next Two Pairs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
Mayer, AZ
after the loss of my most recent breeding attempt, i have decided to try two pairs at once. my water got all out of wack while i was gone and the babies didn't make it. so while i have time to stay at home and keep a closer eye on the water i decided to try two different pairs.

the first pair is Zoom (vt) and Cleopatra (hm)

the second pair is Osiris (hmpk) and Isis (hmpk)

i am pretty much keeping track of everything here... its very frustrating loosing the spawns and everything :sad: ...but i am determined to have baby fish along with my baby horses this trying it again, with two breeding areas set up... so, here we go again
I cant wait to see what you get from that first cross, cleopatra is stunning that is going to be a very interesting cross! The second pair should be nice to!!
i woulda thought swapping the girls round youd get a better looking bunch.... but time will tell hehe
i woulda thought swapping the girls round youd get a better looking bunch.... but time will tell hehe

probably would, but what can I say, i like to try the "not so normal" crosses. the second pair were actually being sold together and are both pastel in color (doesn't show in the photo) so they're a pretty good match. as for the first pair, i wanted to see if i'd get any with her coloring and the spots like him on the fins.

and updates, since i had been feeding all my fish live foods and high protein stuff, i put the males in there area's last night, let them settle in. added the girls in this morning (in the bottomless vase's) and let them sit for about 8 hours like that, the males started there nests and the girls did there thing. let the girls out about 2 this afternoon, and they've been fallowing my guys around all over the place and the guys have actually been gentleman's about this and not really gone at the girls (a few nips is about it). nests are getting bigger, girls are showing more breeding stripes and checking the nest out more often. thats about it for now... spawning as of yet. but there getting along. seems that with my second pair, isis destroyed his nest and continues to hid in a corner and he leaves her alone (but has not built another nest). with my first pair, zoom is keeping his nest up and cleopatra is sitting near it while he sits over by the heater this morning.
well, doesn't look like we'll be having babies anytime soon. the females stay in a corner and the males stay in a corner at the other side (not building bubblenests and letting the previous ones go). lost another girl in my female tank, found her laying on the bottom of the tank this velvet is the one we lost today :sad: . isis is back in the safety tank because she looked like she was dieing in her corner. probably move cleopatra to a safety tank as well later since she is starting to act like she is dieing in her corner. the males...probably go back in there tanks, all they do is sit in a corner as well. will try again later on down the road. -_-

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