I Forgot What Type Plants For Betta's?


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2008
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What type of plants are best for Betta's?
And also what fish get along with Betta's? i just got a 20gallon. Going to make into community so far its like this.
java fern also i have noticed my girls like. it's also really easy to care for. the lady at petsmart said there lights were out for 2-3 days and the java fern is the only one that didn't die. and its not a deep rooting plant, so it will pretty much take hold of anything, and it has babies that you can take and replant (you'll see little roots growing off the plants leafs and you just pull them off and stick them somewhere else and let it grow, or so i am told). i put some fake long/tall grass in my girls tank and they seem to love it, always going in and out of it.
Java ferns and java moss are both great as they will live without special lighting or CO2.

As for compatibility, male bettas are risky to keep with other fish because their fins are a great target for nippers. If you like female bettas at all, your tank would be perfect for a group of them and they will do well with small semi-aggressive and larger nonaggressive fish.
Java ferns and java moss are both great as they will live without special lighting or CO2.

As for compatibility, male bettas are risky to keep with other fish because their fins are a great target for nippers. If you like female bettas at all, your tank would be perfect for a group of them and they will do well with small semi-aggressive and larger nonaggressive fish.
ok, yeah i just got 5females the past 2 days.
chinese algae eaters seem to do ok with my males, i have one in with each male in his tank. and i have one algae eater and one otocinclus catfish in with 4 females.

oh and i have an apple snail in with my male zoom, besides the chinese algae eater, but they poop A LOT and it needs cleaning more and the water tends to stink. so, unless you care to deal with that, i don't recommend the apple snails.
chinese algae eaters seem to do ok with my males, i have one in with each male in his tank. and i have one algae eater and one otocinclus catfish in with 4 females.

do balba sharks get along with betta?

i wouldn't know. will have to wait and see what some more experienced ppl say on here... i would take a wild guess and say no just because of the word shark in the name, but thats just a guess.
My betta never got along with my CAE, eventually had enough when my bettas gill was damaged during a scuffle and moved the CAE to another tank. I generally don't advise anyone to buy a CAE, you can see in their Species Profile that they are aggressive when they get bigger... which is eventually 28cm... Corys would be good but you don't have the substrate for them.
:) My male betta is in a communitty tank with mollies,platys, 1 guppy, 2 ottos and they all get along great. My betta seemed so happy when I took him out of the tiny cup I bought him in and put him in the tank. Now he plays and explores all day.Sometimes I think he thinks he is just like one of the other fish since he plays with the other fish and has never flared up. I love him! :drool:
:) My male betta is in a communitty tank with mollies,platys, 1 guppy, 2 ottos and they all get along great. My betta seemed so happy when I took him out of the tiny cup I bought him in and put him in the tank. Now he plays and explores all day.Sometimes I think he thinks he is just like one of the other fish since he plays with the other fish and has never flared up. I love him! :drool:
lucky you!
Any kind of plant. They love them all.
When I had it, mine just loved Cambomba. It needs decent lighting though and it can become kinda messy, but when it's healthy it grows super fast and looks awesome. My bettas loved weaving in and out of the leaves.
They also really like floating plants. I have some free floating uh.. something.. not sure what heh.. and my betta Raj is always hanging out around or on the roots of the stuff.
Also when the sword plant in the 3 gallon had a leaf that was tall enough to reach the surface, my betta Sherbert would go to town making his little bubble nest up under it.

So yeah... any and all plants, they love to explore so the more the better :D

As for fish that get along with bettas. Well I guess it depends on the betta. But if it's a mild tempered one, then any fish that won't go after the betta would be good :)
Cories, rasboras.. maybe danios if you get a school of them, etc etc

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