What Did You Do To Your Tank Today?

Got up this morning and checked that none of my new fish had died and they hadn't so a small victory there.

fed them and watched as they devoured the brine shrimp flakes. admired them hiding amongst the undergrowth (they are new to the tank after all).

took back my algarde syphon set to the shop cos it was rubbish and got some plant food. fed my plants and after this my fish seemed to become lethargic. any ideas?

checked my water and found pH up to 8.1 from 7.6 ammonia 0.25ppm, nitrite 0, nitrates 40-80ppm.
did 25% water change with treated water and then let the fish settle again. They all still seem to be hanging in on place just riding the current in a corner but the tiger barbs fed really well so this may be why they are not that active.

wool filter change tomorrow and hopefully an increase in pump throughput.
Fridays are always waterchange days right when i get home from work. Then I feed the fish.
Nice thread!
Set up a 10 gallon quarintine tank and set up a sump for my 75 gallon.
Bought 2 x juvenile german blue rams for my 90L tank that currently has 6 serpae tetras and a BN catfish.

tetras decided they didn't like the rams and declared war. i tried to catch the tetras and succeeded in bagging one of them, that seems to have upset them enough that they are now just sitting around waiting to see what happens next. the rams were cowering and bunkered in opposite corners and gradually came out into the rest of the tank so i will try releasing the 6th tetra again soon and see if they all get along.

poor rams.. after being dehomed and driven around in a car for an hour and dumped in a strange tank they got attacked as well. was a bit worried for the smaller ram it was getting bullied pretty badly!

#41#### tetras. you leave my rams alone!
poor things lol. sounds like fun and games Geoff.

Today I admired my fish feeding this morning. the tiger barbs are ravenous devouring the food i put in in like 30 secs. but my red tail black shark just hides under a rock and doesnt get any food (a bit worried bout him tbh). How long should it take for fish to get used to a new lighted tank?

I also did the weekly change of my white wool pre-filter. the old one was filthy and my pump throughput and subsequent surface agitation has increased dramatically. Hope the fish like it.
Well today im going to the lfs to try get some really good quality and veried food for hornbag the flowerhorn and might pick up other little bits lol.
Im also going to try get my fiance to help get the 100g over to our new house :)
i did this...

from this,


to this...


It should look really good once bedded in.
Wow drastic move! Be interesting to see when it grows in!

I am off to a few lfs to check out what they have and buy some new tank mates!
poor things lol. sounds like fun and games Geoff.

Today I admired my fish feeding this morning. the tiger barbs are ravenous devouring the food i put in in like 30 secs. but my red tail black shark just hides under a rock and doesnt get any food (a bit worried bout him tbh). How long should it take for fish to get used to a new lighted tank?

I also did the weekly change of my white wool pre-filter. the old one was filthy and my pump throughput and subsequent surface agitation has increased dramatically. Hope the fish like it.

I fed them some frozen bloodworm, and soon after the smaller ram that was getting harrassed started chasing one of the tetras. :good:

fingers crossed the status quo will be maintained

if your fish are hiding under rocks it probably means too much light.. i would take to reducing the light level and then feeding them for a bit just until they get used to the new brightness level.
typically my light has been on for 12 hours/day. today however i am reducing that to 6 and in the time that the lights are off the fish are really active but as soon as the light comes on again they disappear to the bottom.

not sure how to remedy the light levels as I already have the lowest wattage tubes in the duolux hood.
This morning I installed my new external in line heater, then spent the rest of the day stressing about possible leaks.
Today i moved my shoal of 12 columbian tetra from my 200l to my 500l sa cichlid tank. done a water change on my 200l to make way for my new additions. found a local discus breeder and picked up 4 young discus of between 2 and 4 inches for £7 each! they are settling in but I'm nervous as I've researched these and they is so much info bout them being super sensitive. wish me luck!
Today I did a 25% water change in my 200 litre tank and adjusted the outflow angles on my Eheim installation kit which has made a huge difference in the tank and I am happy with it. Also ordered a new giant 700 litre tank which means a total restructure of my lounge to make it fit in.

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