What Did You Do To Your Tank Today?

Rushed around trying to get a lift to the royal mail depot to pick up a package that i hoped contained my new plants!

And it did! I'm guessing 20% Amazon swords, 10% Bamboo style stuff, and then 60% other unidentifiables. Then 10% basically, mush. I think it was once originally Red Temple but i don't think it travlled well!

Planted about 75% of the whole lot, moved some rocks around and then had a 10 minute trance like watch of my cory's being really cute, and checking up on my gourami as I think he's a bit lonely :( Gonna get him a girlfriend or two i think :)

Oh and then had to listen to a nice domestic between my mum and my little sister. Now I'm watching telly with my OH and having a brew!
turned on the lights, fed everyone, broke up a fight between two of my girls in the sorority, and then scolded my boys for flaring at each other through the divider.... observed... and then left the room to sit at the kitchen table with a bag of chocolate and a beer. Gotta finish my paper so that I can go out for St. Paddy's celebrations (I'm at University, so the parties are HUGE), so no time for fish cleaning/arranging/rescaping/etc. tonight. :D
Well, since I had emergency surgery to repair a massive hernia three weeks ago, I performed a much needed water change. I've been unable to lift the water to refill the tank for a few weeks, so my 75 gallon community hasn't been quite as spoiled for a while. They seem instantly happier, as am I!
well today Saturday i went and brought a new gravel vac but ended up coming away with some frozen bloodworm 6 guppies and two clown loches as well as the vac oh also some white spot treatment (just in case)

put the fish in but not good, the loches were good and intised the other loches out for a bit and the guppies went off hiding in an upturned plant that was floating at the surface and that is where they would stay as my angel fish did not take to them and was chasing them all over the place, lucky the plant was there for some safty

so took the guppies out and they went to my mates tank for a safe haven till they get bigger and then the angel might not bother them

loches are all hiding, but tested out the vac tonight and OMG its great so thinking of getting a large tub tomorrow and put all the fish in it whilst i take all the plants out and give it a good vac out and a redesign of the tank, just hope its not to much stress on the fish

wish me luck
Today I gave my 200 litre tanks glass a good clean so I can see my fish and my friend gave me his first sketches for the display unit for my 700 litre tank, which is currently in my garage awaiting installation once I get the right inspiration for how I want it to look.
I went to Manchester from London to visit some relatives and buy a thermometer but surprise surprise, there are like...no tropical fish shops in manchester, the nearest was in Bolton. So back in London today, and I got the thermometer here :)
46 Gallon: Admired the Algae, then avoided looking at the tank. It's a nightmare and can wait until I'm back from Uni in a month. It needs some serious TLC.

5 Gallon: Said good morning to the boys, dropped in a couple pellets, and a little melafix for their ripped fins.

15 Gallon: Did a fish count, discovered one of my girls was missing. Found her floating in the plants, finless and stomach less. Looks like she died over the weekend while I was away and everyone ate a bit. R.I.P. Scrappy; I'm sure there's plenty of ladies for you to scrap with wherever you are now! I plan to do a waterchange on this tank later today.
Today I added some new tank mates to my 200 litre, 5 Albino Cory's, 5 cobra snakeskin guppies and half a dozen Assassin snails.
Today is day 8 of my new setup. I moved the heater to a more discrete location, removed the intake strainer from the filter inlet and cleared off the gunk. I adjusted the outlets of the filter, tested for ammonia and nitrite (still both 0ppm!) I decided not to feed the fish today as the guppy is constantly swimming with trailing poo! I am also currently shopping and researching fertilisers and fish.

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