What are you doing today?

I stopped counting birthdays at age 39. When someone asks me how old I am, I tell them that I’m only 39 years old but I look older because I’ve have had a very rough life.
I stopped counting birthdays at age 39. When someone asks me how old I am, I tell them that I’m only 39 years old but I look older because I’ve have had a very rough life.

My mother was 36 for 41 years in a row, on her dying bed she was more worried about us than herself...

And never gave up on her age.
Spent a yesterday on the water with my brother.
Today Linda and I will be prepping for company. My cousin is visiting from California for a few days, and I am looking forward to spending some time with her. We were quite close in our younger years, but time and distance have separated us. Having about two dozen people over tomorrow, some family but mainly elders from the school years. Should be fun and for once it will be a potluck affair instead of Linda and I taking on the entire load. This is part of our new stance on socializing.

When I was riding my cycle on learners permit she was often my supervising driver. She would drive over to my house and then follow me in her car until we were out of sight. She would then go her way, and I mine for a few hours. Then we would meet at the local diner and she would follow me home. She claimed to my parents to have a cycle license. She did not at the time. A year later we reversed roles, and I supervised her in the same manner she did me.

Looking forward to tomorrow!
today I move my 2 swarms into bigger hives and check on them. should be exciting
Before and after they moved to bigger hives. Both have a lot of brood, I need to feed a lot to get them ready for winter.


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What kind of flower nectar makes up the bulk of the honey? What’s growing in your locale?
Spring honey is mainly trees - every kind of tree including my fruit trees, Summer honey is mesquite, if we have a mesquite bloom I will be able to harvest honey. Only 5 years out of 13 have I had a good harvest, and that was mesquite. Fall honey is goldenrod, Texas Sage, Ragweed and some Snow on the Prairie. It is often black.
That’s terrific.
Spring honey is mainly trees - every kind of tree including my fruit trees, Summer honey is mesquite, if we have a mesquite bloom I will be able to harvest honey. Only 5 years out of 13 have I had a good harvest, and that was mesquite. Fall honey is goldenrod, Texas Sage, Ragweed and some Snow on the Prairie. It is often black.
I know nothing about bees other than it hurts if you anger them. ;) Still I have heard that clover makes for some really good honey.
Spring honey is mainly trees - every kind of tree including my fruit trees, Summer honey is mesquite, if we have a mesquite bloom I will be able to harvest honey. Only 5 years out of 13 have I had a good harvest, and that was mesquite. Fall honey is goldenrod, Texas Sage, Ragweed and some Snow on the Prairie. It is often black.
What do you consider a good harvest? I use to make mead from my brother in law’s honey.

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