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have you northern folk ever used pex plumbing? my garage faces north and that is where hot water heater is
Yes, PEX can prevent bursting if water freeze inside.

Widely used in Canada because of it's resistance to expansion and contraction due to sudden temperature changes.
have you northern folk ever used pex plumbing? my garage faces north and that is where hot water heater is

Sure. That's what my current house has. But we generally only have running water in heated spaces.

I had a less than sharp landlord who set the house on fire twice in one winter trying to thaw uninsulated copper pipes. He liked to move the wall insulation aside with his hands to get to the basement pipes, which touched the cement foundation. Then, with a blowtorch, he'd manage to set the insulation in the walls on fire.
Sure. That's what my current house has. But we generally only have running water in heated spaces.

I had a less than sharp landlord who set the house on fire twice in one winter trying to thaw uninsulated copper pipes. He liked to move the wall insulation aside with his hands to get to the basement pipes, which touched the cement foundation. Then, with a blowtorch, he'd manage to set the insulation in the walls on fire.
I'm guessing he didn't have a wife helping him...
That landlord was a "character". He would show up in an expensive suit on TV, as a corporate leader. Then he'd set the house on fire again, being clueless.

His wife actually apologized and said he wouldn't listen to her when she suggested they should get a permanent repair. And the firemen liked our canary, who would sing to them while they walked around trying to sense heat in the walls to see how far it had gone. No canaries were harmed in those adventures - Harry survived both small localized fires. There was a lot of damage downstairs though, as they had to go through the wall both times.

People, eh? Sometimes they make my fish look smart.

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