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In retrospect, I am amazed how many snippets of “serious” music was incorporated into cartoons of my childhood. And of course there is Rossini’s William Tell overture. But some of the modern renditions of Baroque operas, especially those featuring counter tenors imitating castratos of old, do sound like Bugs.
I guess I am a bit low bro in my music tastes. I will not turn my nose up at classical, BUT, I sit here happily enjoying The Seventh Sojourn by the Moody Blues. The was preceded with some Clapton and will be followed by Sgt Pepper.
I first heard Bach as the opening theme to a religious program that was on TV. I had to suffer through the program waiting for the hockey games, but I liked that theme as a kid. There were so many 'classical' pieces I was exposed to as a kid in weird ways. Bugs was a good one.

I think it helps if we hear music styles young, if we're going to 'get' them later in life. I had a grade 7 teacher who played us Nigerian highlife in music class. I hated it at frst, but then it got interesting and later it was a doorway into west African music styles I love now. I heard tons of country growing up, and that didn't stick. My Dad played lots of Big Band records, and my hippy older cousin played blues and rock when I was around. Those did stick. My Aunt was a rockabilly rebel type, and I love that stuff now. She also played a lot of jump blues, another favourite style from before I was born.

Celtic music came up through the floor from the elderly lady downstairs, who would have Quebecois fiddlers and accordion players over a few times a year.

It all hits later in life, if you end up as a music freak. The 2 recordings that stopped me dead in my tracks when I first heard them were the first Clash record, which sounded like nothing I had ever heard before, and Yo yo Ma's Bach solo cello concertos. But everything was set up by things I'd heard earlier.
I think it helps if we hear music styles young, if we're going to 'get' them later in life. I had a grade 7 teacher who played us Nigerian highlife in music class. I hated it at frst, but then it got interesting and later it was a doorway into west African music styles I love now. I heard tons of country growing up, and that didn't stick. My Dad played lots of Big Band records, and my hippy older cousin played blues and rock when I was around. Those did stick. My Aunt was a rockabilly rebel type, and I love that stuff now. She also played a lot of jump blues, another favourite style from before I was born.
when I was young my mom would go shopping and take me with her on the bus to the city. heard the elevator music and liked it a lot.
flash forward, all of a sudden I got into light jazz. don't know how it happened but I'm blaming Barney Miller show.
I knew someone liked that music. You put an avatar to that!
I guess I am a bit low bro in my music tastes. I will not turn my nose up at classical, BUT, I sit here happily enjoying The Seventh Sojourn by the Moody Blues. The was preceded with some Clapton and will be followed by Sgt Pepper.
Don’t get me wrong. I love those groups too. I was at the concert the first time Cream and The Who played in the US. I saw The Beatles at Shea Stadium. In high school I would regularly go to the Filmore East on the weekends for concerts. In the village, I would go see Jimi Hendrix when he was known as Jimmy James, before he changed his name, and was discovered. I took in Jethro Tull, Jefferson Airplane, Janice Joplin, Velvet Underground concerts among many others. I played in a rock band from middle school until I graduated high school. We perform at School dances and city block parties. You probably never heard of us, but we were called Blues Train. L O L. I still listen to a lot of these old albums. In the modern era I am a big fan of Radiohead. But in college I also fell in love with Baroque and Classical era music. I will admit that opera is an acquired taste. But it can become extremely addicting. The music is so powerful it can make the most foolish libretto bring you to tears of sorrow.

By the way, if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend the new film about Bob Dylan, A Complete Unknown.
There's no high or low music. There are differing degrees of complexity, but complex can overdo it. Or not.

The great Be-Bop jazz guys of the fifties are painful to listen to for me, but if you love them, you probably can explain it well and either look down on me or shrug. I keep trying to listen to the Beatles, and it doesn't work for me. Like most things, it isn't really a choice - it's background, ear, culture - you like what you like. If you're a musician, you strive to play what you like.

I don't like Discus, but I tip my hat to those who take good care of them. What I do find odd is people who say they don't like any music (or any fish - that's serious). But it's just less to talk about.

Once when I was young and unattached, I met a smart, beautiful woman, and got into a very intense conversation with her. She suddenly started telling me about her phobia. Fish. They were slimy, disgusting, cold, evil. Icky was a word. Bye was another.
Nothing wrong with Moody Blues and Clapton. Or even light jazz, if that's your thing...I got pretty into big band swing for a while.

I've been listening to quite a bit of 90s neo-hippy folk rock lately, Cranberries, Indigo Girls, that kind of thing. It's in my Pandora mix along with Scarlatti, who I've been pretty into lately, Bach, Andrew Peterson, early 2000s folk rock (Mumford and Sons and their ilk), and all my usual Celtic folk stuff: Old Blind Dogs, Tannahill Weavers, Wicked Tinkers, the Chieftains (I see Paddy Maloney as the Bach of Celtic music).

Music is there to make us better people. I have pretty specific characteristics I look for, eclectic though my tastes might be, but I don't get snobby about it. My daughter is something of a Swifty. I'm OK with that. :)
I don't like Discus, but I tip my hat to those who take good care of them. What I do find odd is people who say they don't like any music (or any fish - that's serious). But it's just less to talk about.

Once when I was young and unattached, I met a smart, beautiful woman, and got into a very intense conversation with her. She suddenly started telling me about her phobia. Fish. They were slimy, disgusting, cold, evil. Icky was a word. Bye was another.
I love this 😂
Listening to Sirius 60s station on my Echo dot. They're counting down the billboard top 100 songs from 1962...they're at number 42 right now...good stuff.
So what was the number one song of 1962. I was nine years old and didn’t own a record player or radio.
I was 3 in 1962. I remember "Boots" from when I was in kindergarten a couple years later

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