What are you doing today?

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Last night, we relaunched the local aquarium club, with a turnout twice what we had expected, and a really fun auction.So in an era when aquarium clubs are closing or have very elderly memberships, here's one with members in their 20s mixed with older people, and an apparent real energy.
There's no budget and a shortage of speakers, but those are technicalities. For now, we meet in a local aquarium store.

Today, I chopped down all the sunflowers, beheaded them, and hung their cheerful but now droopy heads on the fence for the birds to feast on. It now looks like I'm some European monarch after the sunflower peasants revolted.
Good on the aquarium club! and funny on the sunflower peasants. Mine are still on the plant, and blooming. 9 ft tall sunflowers along my roadside. Have to do sales taxes today, so ended up with a temporary crate for Sadie in the office. she doesn't mind napping in a crate with lots of breaks of course, as long as she can see me.
I was just browsing old pics I've uploaded to this site only to now notice it has the metadata of said images

I never noticed that before. I like it
My wife and I spent a week in North Carolina with our grandchildren. Loads of fun…..mostly. I’m pooped from the week playing with an 2 and 5 year old, and also the 5.5 hour drive back to Maryland. As soon as I unpacked, I performed water exchanges in two of our five tanks and of course fed all the fish, shrimp, frogs and dwarf crayfish. The little critters were pleased for the repast after a week long fast. The newest members to our world, 6 Anomalochromis thomasi, 6 Alestopetersius caudalis, and a pair of Pelvicachromis pulcher Ndonga, are still skittish and did not charge the sinking pellets and flakes. They all run and hide when I approach the tank. Their fear instinct overcame their hunger drive. As Spok would say, “Fascinating!”
Kind of an odd day... ;)

Had the door knob/lock for my apartment replaced as I sort of kinda broke off the hallway side of the knob. Can't complain about the fix as it was done within ~2 hours of my reporting the need with no cost to me. Was going in my apartment and tripped over a piece of loose carpet in the hallway and tried to catch myself grabbing the door knob which broke off. Really kind of stupid on my part as I was totally aware of the loose carpet section but my mind was like a million miles away. Really not the fault of anyone as a total replacement of all hallway carpet was already in the works by the new management in my building but they had scheduled painting all the hallway walls to something more friendly and pleasing than the current light 'institutional' green and they wanted to get the painting done before the carpet to prevent carpet damage from potentially spilled paint. Another resident said that I was stupid and should sue them but that isn't my style. I mean I wasn't even really hurt other than a slight tightness in my right thigh and a little soreness in my left hand that grabbed the door knob both of which will be gone in a day or three. The way I see it is the new management is doing their best to fix things that should already been fixed as best that they can but things take a while.

Also spent time tearing apart my apartment looking for the memory card for my camera. I have other cards but the largest is only 32 GB and the main card is 256 GB. The 32 GB is fine for a whole lot of still pictures but my Canon EOS Rebel T7 takes pretty nice HD videos hence the larger card size. The thing is that the camera sits on a bottom shelf of an end table next to a chair. This table is like 2.5 feet away from my main computer. The card is always either in the camera or in a USB card reader on my computer. Yet the card is nowhere to be found. :dunno: I'm sure I will eventually find the card; probably the day after I order a replacement... ;)
Check your vacuum cleaner
LOL! Haven't used my vacuum since well before the card went missing. ;)

Actually I just ordered a new card. Went 512 GB to replace the old 256 GB card and the new is faster which will be better for videos. Of course I'll wake up tomorrow and the old card will be sitting there in plain sight.

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