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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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I think if I was diagnosed today I'd be told I have pre-diabetes, which didn't exist back in 2000. I'd been to the doctor about a "women's problem" and the doctor tagged a glucose test on the end of the list. It came back in the grey area between definitely and definitely not. A fasting glucose didn't resolve it either so I had to go to the hospital for a glucose tolerance test, which said I has type 2. Nowadays with HbA1c testing, I'm still below the level where they start treatment.
I was diagnosed with type 1 in May 2014 with a blood sugar of 29.7. The normal range for non-diabetics is usually between 4-8. I got lucky and caught it early because of the symptoms. Probably the worst week of my life was spent in the hospital. I was 2 weeks off starting secondary school which did not help. I am glad testing has improved now, which makes people more cautious of their health. It seems there are a lot more diagnoses now than 10 years back probably because of increased testing. The only reason I managed to get diagnosed early on was because both parents had medicinal backgrounds and saw symptoms early on. I only recently got glucose monitors such as Libre and Dexcom as funding for my local area for these monitors was only granted in late 2022. One of the last areas in the UK to have funds granted 🙃. I hope more technology will start to become easier to obtain as I'm still without an insulin pump.
I’m currently being tested for adult onset type 1, I was tested for pre-diabetes probably 5 times already but negative, but this year my body decided to throw every single plot twist at me that it could I guess 😂
I've been borderline for years but with an A1c hovering around 5.7 to 5.8, I just watch my diet, and I don't really crave sugar that much. I feel terrible physically when I eat a piece of cake or something else real sweet so I just don't.
I find if I don’t let my weight get above 350 lbs my sugar levels are normal and I can still partake in my favorite pastime - suma wrestling 😎
Doesn't matter what I weigh, I've never tolerated candy or sweets well. I need to build proper bee robbing guards today, the robbers are persistent. Until the robbing hive dies out or mine does, attempts will continue.
Well in less than 2 days, the blueberry cake mysteriously disappeared. Darn mice!
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The sprinkler defense - i can't do more for the hives until the robbers go home.


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Lost 32 baby black molly this morning ... all my fault. Linda has only 8 remaining.

The air pump died, second one in three days so I had already used the spare. I put a small HOB on while I went to pick up a replacement. We returned two hours later to find I had failed to slow the flow despite thinking I had. The molly had been sucked in and left our mortal coil.

I feel very bad because Linda worked very hard on breeding these black mollies. I am also heartbroken at the loss of life due to my carelessness.

The new air pump has been installed and attached to the sponge filter. Too little ... Too late.
Lost 32 baby black molly this morning ... all my fault. Linda has only 8 remaining.

The air pump died, second one in three days so I had already used the spare. I put a small HOB on while I went to pick up a replacement. We returned two hours later to find I had failed to slow the flow despite thinking I had. The molly had been sucked in and left our mortal coil.

I feel very bad because Linda worked very hard on breeding these black mollies. I am also heartbroken at the loss of life due to my carelessness.

The new air pump has been installed and attached to the sponge filter. Too little ... Too late.

Mmmmmmmm, I'm with Linda on this one... Bad idea even with reduced flow.

Next time. She should make you blow air in the tube while she goes pick another pump.

Don't worry I fried a thousand babies with a badly adjusted heater once.
Sorry for your loss. You will have more fry very soon. Mollies are very prolific.
Been a long day; no clue what i did but it has been a long day - right now i'm trying to relax but my angels are trying to breed and the 'baby' chocolate just finds the eggs too yummy. As angelfishes go this pair is a really nice pair and i'm thinking if i could catch them i could move them to an aquarium where they really could breed - well the idea of catching two angels in an aquarium that is 4 feet across and 10 feet long is kind of a dreadful thing to waste time thinking about. I mean lets face it when you put a fish in a large aquarium it is there for life. It took me an hour just to catch a fish in my 29; and i dread catching the swordtails in the 40b how the heck am i going to catch not one but TWO angelfishes in a 600. So after all the crap i did today i'm just sort of day dreaming of this magic net i can tell to go catch a fish and grab the handle and the fish will be in it. Well it beats the junk i did this morning.
great weather day so we decided to go motorcycle riding. while waiting for my wife to get riding garbed I looked at the thermometer in the big aquarium I have and there on the glass was two patches of cory eggs. guess that was the type because the rest are danios and tiger barbs. as I was staring at those here comes my big pleco catfish and he ate all of them!!!
this is the first time I ever seen any eggs on the glass since I've owned an aquarium. I've had big Oscar eggs long ago but they were in the gravel nest they built.

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