you know goldfish and koi can crossbreed, and when they do most of the offspring will be black, will get larger than goldfish, but not have whiskers.
Are there any crypt-like plants, slow-growing but attractive rooted ones, that are native to west Africa? I don't know of too many. Bolbiltus fern, tiger lotus, and anubias, but none of those really fit the bill.I bought a couple of bags of pool filter sand, and today I'll start adding deeper substrates to a bunch of 10 gallon tanks so I can plant them better.By this time next year, I want slow growing but attractive plants along the backs of all my killie 10 gallon tanks, to push out the scraggly Valls I have now. I'm aiming for a sea of Cryptocorynes. The ones I bought last year are spreading now, and I can soon start harvesting them for the smaller tanks. If the tissue culture ones I bought last week also take off, I should be able to gradually get things to what I want to see.
These things take time and patience. I have gone out and bought bunches of stem plants too many times to expect that to always work.
Oops. Bajazet was composed by Vivaldi.It’s been around 100F all week. I will stream another opera during the hottest part of the day. Today it’s Handel’s Bajazet.
None that I saw. The rivers and streams had almost no aquatic plants. I saw one stand of three little Anubias sp, in 8 days of looking. There was a floater like Riccia, and some reedlike grassy plants that were rooted. That was it.Are there any crypt-like plants, slow-growing but attractive rooted ones, that are native to west Africa? I don't know of too many. Bolbiltus fern, tiger lotus, and anubias, but none of those really fit the bill.
Maybe that's why we don't see too many biotope tanks from west Africa. To stay true to the region you would almost have to use marginal plants growing out the back, or something.None that I saw. The rivers and streams had almost no aquatic plants. I saw one stand of three little Anubias sp, in 8 days of looking. There was a floater like Riccia, and some reedlike grassy plants that were rooted. That was it.
A fisherman told me there a couple of other Anubias spp around, and Bolbitis along with lotus plants. That was all he knew of.
Ya, people don't understand the Dallas/Ft Worth area in Texas as they normally just think of it as pretty much desert. I lived in Ft Worth for something like seven years and it is every bit as humid as North East Florida. Going outside with it being 100+ F and 99% humidity is like being punched in the face. During that time I rode a motorcycle and being stuck at a stop light was like being in a pressure cooker.I saw 2 ponds, my truck alignment feels loose, I parked the truck. It hit 104 in Fort Worth today, plus humidity