What are you doing today?

Just to be clear, I'm getting the surgery because we moderators have to be fit, lean clean fighting machines, if we are called upon to repel aliens from Planet Spam. I went to the gym on the 17th floor of the mod building, and I was body shamed. Everyone had perfect nostrils, and there I was, looking bad.
I've not had an appointment rescheduled while I was on the way there, I've had the opposite - an appointment newly scheduled when I was miles away.

A few years ago my lower left leg swelled up painfully. The GP said he was pretty sure it was phlebitis, here's a prescription for an antibiotic, but I need to do a blood test to make sure it's not a deep vein thrombosis. OK I said, but we're going away to south Wales tomorrow. We were almost there (on the M4 passing Newport for those who know the area) when my phone rang. It was my GP surgery - your test results are a bit high, can you come here straight away. No, I'm in south Wales. OK, I'll have a word with doctor....... right you need to go to the nearest A & E department and tell them the results of this test are this.
We got to the hotel in Cardiff and asked where the nearest A & E was, we were pretty sure where as we were at Cardiff University in the 1970s and yes, it was still at the same hospital. We spent the next 5 hours there. They tried to do a repeat blood test but the lab was having computer problems, so they phoned my GP for yesterday's results, catching them just before they closed for the day. By this time it was too late to have a dopler scan so they injected an anticoagulant and sent me out. Next morning over breakfast the hospital rang and said to go in half an hour for the scan.
That showed I did not have a deep vein thrombosis, just phlebitis. I suppose the GP would have been negligent if he hadn't done the test and sent me to A & E in Cardiff, but it did feel like a waste of time. And I spent my brother-in-law's wedding anniversary party sitting with my leg raised on a second chair. At least it got me out of dancing - my brother-in-law plays the fiddle for a Morris dancing troupe, and they got everyone except me trying to dance with them :)
I went to Cardiff in the 70s to see a punk band. The woman I was travelling with managed to start a dispute with two local women, who went off to get their local male friends, so we didn't stick around to see the city at night when it was done. I still don't know what they were all angry about, but it wasn't worth all the trouble.
Who knows, maybe I too would have known about the hospital facilities there.

So today, I am up to date on all water changes and maintenance, so I may make a fish video and set up some tanks I scaped badly.
I’ve never understood why they sell alcohol at stadium music events. Went to see Take That several years ago in Glasgow. The wee one decided to throw his jacket into the crowd and it landed just to the left of me. A lass to my right shoved me out the way trying to get it and I shoved her back so I didn’t land on my bum. The bouncers had to come in and settle things down. Her and her mates then spent the next couple of songs saying it’s ok we’ll get her at the end and throwing me daggers of looks. Needless to say I left early. No way I was getting into a fight with a group of weegies.

Today I am looking forward to the weekend and despairing at the wet weather. Where’s the snow?! I want snow!
I’ve never understood why they sell alcohol at stadium music events. Went to see Take That several years ago in Glasgow. The wee one decided to throw his jacket into the crowd and it landed just to the left of me. A lass to my right shoved me out the way trying to get it and I shoved her back so I didn’t land on my bum. The bouncers had to come in and settle things down. Her and her mates then spent the next couple of songs saying it’s ok we’ll get her at the end and throwing me daggers of looks. Needless to say I left early. No way I was getting into a fight with a group of weegies.

Today I am looking forward to the weekend and despairing at the wet weather. Where’s the snow?! I want snow!
Rough crowd !
Where’s the snow?!
We are in the yellow alert area and we've only had rain rain rain as well. The garden is like a wet sponge yet again. Admittedly the road across the Pennines is closed because of snow and abandoned vehicles, but there's been none here.

My new curtain fabric arrived this afternoon, all 21 metres of it. I couldn't understand why the tracking info said the package was 60 x 14 x 9 cm for 21 metres x 1.4 metres fabric. Then it occurred to me that as FedEx gave the date in the American format the package dimensions must really be in inches. Yes, it was just under 5 feet long x 8 inches diameter with the fabric rolled around a giant cardboard tube.
Now I've just got to cut it all up and sew it together - one pair at 1.5 widths each curtain for the window at one end of the lounge and a longer pair at 2 widths each for the patio door end.
On the day of your doctor's appointment, we have a arranged for you to be transported by our company limousine. We treat our moderators very well.
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I’m starting college on the 21st. I pray I make some improvements with my brain before then, or it’ll be a bust lol. So far, high dose anti inflammatory meds and anti-seizure and anti-spasm meds have been helpful.
If this is not an invasive question, what would be the course?
I’ve never understood why they sell alcohol at stadium music events. Went to see Take That several years ago in Glasgow. The wee one decided to throw his jacket into the crowd and it landed just to the left of me. A lass to my right shoved me out the way trying to get it and I shoved her back so I didn’t land on my bum. The bouncers had to come in and settle things down. Her and her mates then spent the next couple of songs saying it’s ok we’ll get her at the end and throwing me daggers of looks. Needless to say I left early. No way I was getting into a fight with a group of weegies.

Today I am looking forward to the weekend and despairing at the wet weather. Where’s the snow?! I want snow!
Here in Brazil is prohibited to sell alcohol in some states during football matches and in surroundings up to 200 meters radium. However, the law itself is sometimes ignored. Last year, we had a tragic event, when a soccer fan died in a brawl. Impunity here is extremely high.

Well, a few days ago, I received an invitation from a publisher to publish my research article for a Brazilian journal (in the English language). Now I am refining my article... brine shrimp, once again. This became a kind of obsession for me, indeed.
Just ordered a new hard drive this morning that will be used for doing system backups. I know that I sometimes talk over some people's heads when it comes to computer stuff and am sorry for that. It is just that the new drive will allow me to go back to my preferred form of backing up my system. Not going to go into extensive explanations in this thread but, if any have questions as to backups, feel free to throw me a PM and I will do my best to explain. :) I just found a great price on the drive I need for all this and could not pass up. ;)

Other than that I'm just waiting for the Super Bowl to start. Don't really care much as to who wins but am sort of hoping for the 49ers just due to one of their players from the 1980s having been a customer when I had my business in Florida. Also sort of tired with all the KC hype. LOL! Have to have something good to eat during the game and I'm doing 'sticky' BBQ sirloin tips. Not yet sure what will go with the BBQ but I'm leaning toward the BBQ in the middle of a platter with a ring of mac & cheese around the BBQ. Cut it like a pie for servings... Oh, wait, no company today so I can just bury my face! :) If I had thought about it I would have done this but on flat breads as individual bites.

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