What are you doing today?

Had an interesting visit today from the current apartment manager. As said in other posts she has, in the past, been a bit of a pain but I guess the change to new management has caused a bit of an attitude adjustment.

Anyway she came to inform me of my current 'Resident Rewards' standing. Resident Rewards is a program where you earn points for simple things like just paying your rent on time. There are also quizzes you can take on things like apartment safety and emergency procedures. Just one quiz passed gets you enough points for a free $10.00 USD store gift card. My printer takes 6 cartridges and this program has paid for all my ink for years. With the new ownership and management I will actually miss this program.

I was a bit taken by surprise with the visit as she was much on the timid side while informing me that I had $50.00 USD worth of gift cards available and even offered to process everything so I didn't have to bother which I accepted as that really seemed like what she wanted. With her 'new attitude' we actually talked a bit and I find myself feeling a bit sorry for the situation she, her husband and son are in. All three work for the same current management company and the new is supposed to take over in March which isn't much over two weeks away. The current management company, Infinity Management, will put them in another state and they will still have jobs but this isn't munch over a couple of weeks in the future and they, as of yet, have no clue as to where they will be going. Ya, in the past, I've had legit gripes but this is neither right or fair. I actually feel sort of bad for them...
Had an interesting visit today from the current apartment manager. As said in other posts she has, in the past, been a bit of a pain but I guess the change to new management has caused a bit of an attitude adjustment.

Anyway she came to inform me of my current 'Resident Rewards' standing. Resident Rewards is a program where you earn points for simple things like just paying your rent on time. There are also quizzes you can take on things like apartment safety and emergency procedures. Just one quiz passed gets you enough points for a free $10.00 USD store gift card. My printer takes 6 cartridges and this program has paid for all my ink for years. With the new ownership and management I will actually miss this program.

I was a bit taken by surprise with the visit as she was much on the timid side while informing me that I had $50.00 USD worth of gift cards available and even offered to process everything so I didn't have to bother which I accepted as that really seemed like what she wanted. With her 'new attitude' we actually talked a bit and I find myself feeling a bit sorry for the situation she, her husband and son are in. All three work for the same current management company and the new is supposed to take over in March which isn't much over two weeks away. The current management company, Infinity Management, will put them in another state and they will still have jobs but this isn't munch over a couple of weeks in the future and they, as of yet, have no clue as to where they will be going. Ya, in the past, I've had legit gripes but this is neither right or fair. I actually feel sort of bad for them...
It is a bad deal all the way around how corporations treat people . People are expendable and really not much more than assets that can be utilized or discarded on a whim . A working person can’t plan life working for a corporation . Lately I have seen myself and heard from many others that the work ethic is dead and that the main sign of that is high employee turnover in nearly every field of endeavor . It used to make me wonder about people’s attitudes but I’m coming around to the idea that maybe it’s a backlash to the corporate mentality . Why should the worker care if the company doesnt ? If the company has no loyalty to you and no care for your efforts then why should they expect any in return ? Corporate America is reaping what it has sown .
It is a bad deal all the way around how corporations treat people . People are expendable and really not much more than assets that can be utilized or discarded on a whim . A working person can’t plan life working for a corporation . Lately I have seen myself and heard from many others that the work ethic is dead and that the main sign of that is high employee turnover in nearly every field of endeavor . It used to make me wonder about people’s attitudes but I’m coming around to the idea that maybe it’s a backlash to the corporate mentality . Why should the worker care if the company doesnt ? If the company has no loyalty to you and no care for your efforts then why should they expect any in return ? Corporate America is reaping what it has sown .
It is unfortunate but I think you are correct overall. Thank goodness there are some exceptions out there. And those employees are very lucky.
It is unfortunate but I think you are correct overall. Thank goodness there are some exceptions out there. And those employees are very lucky.
Agreed. The current management company could have easily said that "sorry but the positions are gone and sorry but you are no longer employed." but they didn't do this and are making room for them in other positions in another state. What those positions will be I have no idea but, at least, they still have jobs. Even though the husband is the current district manager it would have been probably easier for the corporation to just say that the positions no longer exist; hope you good luck on a new job but they didn't do this. They are keeping them employed.

I have really never had any issue with the old management company, only the local management people.
Been working on the new car.
Seems to be an issue with the compression. The cooling system is pretty messed up, so I am going to try to get that in line before moving forward. Just got to get it air-tight enough to hold pressure.
How do you know that it is a compression issue? Also what indicates that the cooling system is messed up? Not doubting you, just curious.

Also not sure what you mean by "
Just got to get it air-tight enough to hold pressure.".
Do you mean stopping leaks in the cooling system or are you somehow relating this to the compression. Trust me in that they are nor related. I just don't understand how you can see cooling as an issue before the engine even fires. Ya, there are ways to test a cooling system integrity as to leaks without the engine running but it takes special gauges and an air compressor.

Even a totally blown cooling system will not prevent an engine from firing or at least 'sputtering' before sensors pick up that here is an issue.

Not really sure why but I have a hunch that you MAY have a blown intake manifold (or plenum) gasket. Nothing for me to really base this on but sort of just 'feels right'.
I had a good work-out tonight. I needed it, as things have been a bit stressful lately and getting the heart rate up helps me keep my head on straight, besides keeping me strong and limber enough to actually do useful things. I hate working out (except running, which I enjoy) but can't afford to go to the fun crossfit-type class I was doing before covid. Instead I've been doing videos off the "hasfit" youtube channel. I like them--they push me without being all intense and macho like most workout videos. I find that annoying; it's a bit like watching an ad for a show I'm already watching. You don't have to yell at me and tell me how important this is, dude--I'm already here. The Hasfit people have intense workouts but relaxed personalities. A good combo for me.

Also took the offspring to a high school orientation. It was set up kind of like a trade fair, with different departments and activities at different tables so kids and parents could wander around and talk to whomever they wished. I aced the "Shakespeare or Taylor Swift?" game at the English table. I feel so cool now.
I'm making curtains. I cut the 21 metres of fabric into sections on Sunday, 3 for the window, 4 for the patio door. Yesterday I bought some thread to match, but the shop didn't have enough curtain tape so that's been bought on eBay. I'm fussy about curtain tape, I don't like the type with stringy pockets, I prefer solid woven pockets and not many places sell that as it's more expensive.
So far this morning I've cut one of the three window sections down the middle and joined each half to a full piece, then hemmed the cut edges. I managed to sew the seam in just the right place so the pattern on the fabric continues across the join :)

And there's enough fabric cut from between the pattern repeat to make cushion covers.
How do you know that it is a compression issue? Also what indicates that the cooling system is messed up? Not doubting you, just curious.

Also not sure what you mean by "

Do you mean stopping leaks in the cooling system or are you somehow relating this to the compression. Trust me in that they are nor related. I just don't understand how you can see cooling as an issue before the engine even fires. Ya, there are ways to test a cooling system integrity as to leaks without the engine running but it takes special gauges and an air compressor.

Even a totally blown cooling system will not prevent an engine from firing or at least 'sputtering' before sensors pick up that here is an issue.

Not really sure why but I have a hunch that you MAY have a blown intake manifold (or plenum) gasket. Nothing for me to really base this on but sort of just 'feels right'.
I know its a compression issue because I have a compression gauge. I also have a leak-down test gauge and when connected to the cylinders, air is blowing through the system.
There are missing hoses. Seems to be a head gasket issue. Likely caused by overheating. Not sure how I will proceed at this point.
maybe you can pick up a replacement engine via a junkyard
Today I am sabotaging my diet by baking cakes with items of fruit that are close to their bin by date. One yummy lemon drizzle cake (or 2 later). I may as well accept that teletubbies r me forever :(
I'm the only brave soull to show up to the office today. Winds that have destroyed most of the city and 10 feet of snow, did not prevent me from showing up. We will rebuild.

Nah, as usual, weather forecast worth a $3 bill
No snow, no nothing. Bored in the office catching up to things before I leave next week for a few days of vacationing in Florida.
I know its a compression issue because I have a compression gauge. I also have a leak-down test gauge and when connected to the cylinders, air is blowing through the system.
There are missing hoses. Seems to be a head gasket issue. Likely caused by overheating. Not sure how I will proceed at this point.
Sounds to me like you’re in for some real mechanic work . Maybe pull the heads and find even more once that’s done . If you’ve never rebuilt an engine before don’t be intimidated or put off by it . It’s just time consuming is all . Kinda like building a model .

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