What are you doing today?

What make of drums did you have? Mine were Rogers with Zildjian and Paiste-Stanople symbols Although I did have a Formula 602 sizzle. While I could do 'set' drumming, and actually made some money doing so in the 1970s, my favorite was rudimentary snare with precise sticking.

I work hard every day. I've been retired for over 6.5 years and work very hard at it... best job I've ever had. ;)
The set I liked had maple PDP shells with black veneer. I bought it used- something had died in the bass drum and it stunk like something dead- BAD. The guy at the music shop told me to get incense and burn it inside. He said it wouldn't smell at all after.

I thought it would smell like incense, but anything would be better than that nasty stank. Amazingly, the guy was right! I don't know how, but the stank was gone and it didn't smell like incense either.

Anyway, the cymbals were Paiste (high-hat and crash) with Sabian ride- again, they were used. I loved that set- had the right sound.

The other one was a starter set I bought for my kid- he never used it, so it mostly sat. I can't remember the brand.

On your new profession - retirement - I am SO ready! I'm still 8-10 years away, but man, if I could figure out how to get health insurance without having to spend all my money, I'd be retired today. My wife and I don't need an extravagant lifestyle, and just want to enjoy some years together before we croak LOL.

I was born to be a "trust-fund baby" I just didn't have the money :cool::cool::kana::kana::kana:
While missing the snare, chrome, and symbols, this is what my Rogers 360 looked like. I LOVED the finish and they sounded awesome. I ran with only top heads. LOL! In one of my sillier moments... I mounted contact switches on my hi-hat and bass pedals wired to lights in the ride and floor toms. Every time I hit a peddle the tom associated would flash. Silly but, at the same time, sort of cool. ;)

Ya, medical prevents many from early retirement. I retired at 62 but would not have been able to do so if I didn't have free medical coverage through my military disability pension and status. Shoot, my last colonoscopy cost me a grand total of $16.00 USD out of pocket. It also helped that I used to run a computer build/repair/web site business when I lived in Texas and Florida. I did it right and treated myself as an employee and paid into everything. That helped a LOT as to what I get through Social Security.
I was walking the dog along the local bluff by the sea, in the teeth of a painful north wind, watching a cruise ship battling the sea to get into port. These unlucky people booked for the Bahamas, a nice xmas getaway, but the cruise line rerouted them to the freezing north. It was bad enough out there that I took a shortcut home with the dog, because the wind was freezing my ears. It hurt.
That's the first time I've used the shortcut option in 2 years.

Can you imagine? I love this place I live in, but a cruise ship coming in weeks after the season sensibly ended, on a freezing bleak day? When they get here, all the seasonal attractions will be closed, the tour guides are all at home, the buses are stored, the parkways are closed because with wild and beautiful nature comes wild and ugly road conditions, and they will lack the proper clothing for the environment.

We just made Grandpa Badger a Christmas feast. He lives alone and doesn’t like to cook, so it was really fun to see him pig out. Now we’re all sort of lying around, hoping the dish fairies will come along and clean up the kitchen.
Staring at my "Hand Burrito"... had hand surgery a week ago! Did some local errands and got stressed out by the bleepitybleep dingbats on the roads and in paaahking lots. "They" were all out today!!!
Was very stressed because our publisher changed our deadline on us by over a month! We had until January 30th, and last night we got the email saying they needed all of our files before December 24 end of day. There was absolutely no way I could do MINIMUM of 53 (but realistically 70+) hours of work before then. Thankfully we were able to negotiate and get the deadline changed to January 19th.

I’m very excited for this book, so many good things are coming from it. We’re reaching out to some major names including a very popular author and a few famous musicians who also have this disease in hopes they will at least share our work but ideally let us fly them out for the release party 🤩
Moved the fish and tanks today from old digs to the new digs. We'll see how they cope with the change in water (well water and harder) in coming weeks...

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