What are you doing today?

I do love Wyoming! However I remain fixed on my opinion that NZ is best (and will always be my home) 😌🤪🤪
I understand. :) I grew up in Ohio and there are still things that I miss... my ex isn't one of them... ;) Things I miss are the colors in fall when maple tree stands change. The other is fire flies. Since the climate between Ohio and Wyoming isn't all that different I don't know why we don't have maples or fire flies here. Biggest difference is that Wyoming has a lower normal humidity level and is higher in altitude. Mayhaps that's the reason, I really don't know.
Hello. I understand the love of your home, wherever that might be. I spent eight years in the Navy and half that time was spent on an aircraft carrier that went to most places in the Pacific Ocean. In all those years, I never saw any place that could come close to what we have here in our United States. In spite of our disagreements and obvious shortcomings, we're a very fortunate people, because of all our freedoms. Have fun in all your travels, but in the end I'm more than satisfied with my home here in the states!

10 Tank (Now more)
Hello. I understand the love of your home, wherever that might be. I spent eight years in the Navy and half that time was spent on an aircraft carrier that went to most places in the Pacific Ocean. In all those years, I never saw any place that could come close to what we have here in our United States. In spite of our disagreements and obvious shortcomings, we're a very fortunate people, because of all our freedoms. Have fun in all your travels, but in the end I'm more than satisfied with my home here in the states!

10 Tank (Now more)
Hey fellow 'squid'... I'm medically retired Navy.
Hello Shipmate. Thanks for your service and welcome back home!

10 Tanks (Now more) and former Petty Officer
Thanks back at ya. :) Actually I've been medically retired since 1973. I was only in for a little over a year. Actually I was on a bit of a fast track. Left boot camp as an E-3 and was E-4 after only 5 total months. That was all automatic. I was a nuke puke.
Thanks back at ya. :) Actually I've been medically retired since 1973. I was only in for a little over a year. Actually I was on a bit of a fast track. Left boot camp as an E-3 and was E-4 after only 5 total months. That was all automatic. I was a nuke puke.
Oh yes. Knew a lot of you guys on the ship. Very smart! Good for you! I'm a "Post Vietnam War Vet". Too young for the last draft, but went in in 1978 and got out in 1986.

10 Tanks (Now more)
Oh yes. Knew a lot of you guys on the ship. Very smart! Good for you! I'm a "Post Vietnam War Vet". Too young for the last draft, but went in in 1978 and got out in 1986.

10 Tanks (Now more)
Was actually kind of strange with myself and my best friend that I joined with in the 'buddy' program. He was also a nuke puke. I got injured and totally lost the sight in my right eye. Five years later he was diagnosed with MS. While not totally a black world the first manifestation of the MS was making him legally blind in his right eye.
Hello again Jay. No kidding? That's too bizarre! Is your friend still around? Were you able to work after the Navy? I got out because I got married and my wife wasn't sold on moving to Mayport, FL and not seeing me for nine months out of the year. Back in the day, the ship deployments were nine months. We need to talk!

10 Tanks (Now more)
Hello again Jay. No kidding? That's too bizarre! Is your friend still around? Were you able to work after the Navy? I got out because I got married and my wife wasn't sold on moving to Mayport, FL and not seeing me for nine months out of the year. Back in the day, the ship deployments were nine months. We need to talk!

10 Tanks (Now more)
Ya, he is still around although he is going down hill a bit. The government did take care of him as he gets 100% military and social security disability benefits.

Ya, I was still able to work. In fact I just retired around 6 years ago. I had a few different jobs including being a machinist and owning my own computer repair/build/website building business. I do fine now with my 30% disability and social security. Actually I still do a little computer work but not much. One thing I still do is collect old computers and parts.(helped now and then by donations of stuff by a local computer shop). I rebuild and turn the old stuff into viable systems and donate to people, normally with kids, that can't afford to buy one on their own.

Never really considered myself handicapped although, technically, I have no depth perception which requires stereoscopic vision. While it isn't depth perception exactly like someone with sight in both eyes I still do have depth perception. The brain is an amazing thing and, if allowed, will find other ways to do things. Two years after losing the sight in my right eye I won an MVP trophy in a softball tournament playing outfield. If that isn't judging depth I don't know what is. I had a theory on this and an eye doctor agreed that my thought was largely correct although there were also other factors. Boils down to the fact that I know the size of things. The further away an object is the smaller it will seem. My brain 'learned' how to turn this into depth. Kind of cool actually. ;) It isn't 100% but mostly works. I just refused to allow the eye to hold me back. ;)

What would you want to talk about? I wasn't in the Navy long enough to do any sea duty or anything. Shoot, 7 months of my time in was in the Naval hospital in Philadelphia. Actually I was mostly an out patient after a month or so but the hospital was my billet. I went home to Ohio on weekends and such. For about the last month in Philly I was housed at the Navy ship yards and assigned to in coming/out going personnel. I actually processed my own separation papers. Pulled a little 'con' on the Navy with that. I knew within a day or two when my separation papers would come back. A couple of days before I knew that the paperwork would be back I drew 6 months advance pay. Walked my paper work through the chain of command myself. Once my separation was official I went to collect my travel pay home. The paymaster looked at me kind of odd and went back a page or two in his ledger and said "Job well done.". At least in 1973, when separated, all financial debts to the military became null and void. Bought myself a 1969 Chevy Impala with some of that money. Actually my grandfather found that car for me through a police auction. Even in 1973 getting a 4 year old Impala for $600.00 was a heck of a deal. ;)

Funny that you mentioned Mayport. I lived in Jacksonville Beach for 16 years. Started my computer business in Ft. Worth Texas and kept it going in Florida until I shut it down in 2009. That business was why I have 'Most Valuable Professional' awards from Microsoft. Actually I'm pretty proud of those awards as I'm 100% self taught. LOL! I've taught computer classes at the junior college level but never attended a class as a student.
Whoa! What a story. If you write your autobiography, I'd buy one. Anyway, good to hear you're financial okay. I'm retired from a large construction company and also have my social security. Wasn't in the Navy long enough to get any benefits other than the VA, which I've never used and my wife and I get to be buried at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver for free. In the Navy, I as in Personnel, so I understand the paperwork.

10 Tanks (Now more)
@10 Tanks @jaylach
Interesting backgrounds you both have
You may want to continue your conversation via PM to keep the thread on track.
I do love Wyoming! However I remain fixed on my opinion that NZ is best (and will always be my home) 😌🤪🤪
Friends of mine who have travelled the world always say the same thing that New Zealand is beyond compare in every sense.

I love your photos of NZ it looks so lovely and a place I would love to visit. My daughter jets off to Oz in 10 days and plans to be there at least 3 years having lived in DC for 2 recently and currently travelling and working around Europe. Hopefully whislt shes there she'll go to NZ and give us an excuse to visit
@10 Tanks @jaylach
Interesting backgrounds you both have
You may want to continue your conversation via PM to keep the thread on track.
You are totally correct and I apologize for the length and much too in depth of my last response to @10 Tanks as it was way over the top... accurate but not fitting for this thread. All I can say is that the stuff is personal to me and I can get carried away.

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