What are you doing today?

Spent the morning going through some old driftwood and throwing 90% of it away as the plecos left them a shadow of what they were. Also cleaned & moved litter boxes, ran some errands and brought the house plants back inside as it's going to be in lower 40's and I don't want all the nice summer growth shocked off the plants.

Also stopped by Fish Planet and caught myself two orange clown gobies, actually the staff got them but that's schematics, lol. Posted a video on the salty tank forum.

While Sis and I were getting cat food at PetSmart we saw a deal for a 125 gallon with stank, lid and light for $749. Unfortunately the two this store had were clipped at the ends, but Sis is considering getting one as an upgrade for her wolf fish. She has till the 30th to decide as that is when the sale ends. She would also have to find a location that had an undamaged one and the team to help get it in the basement.
Drawings from the airport and on the bus
Have you ever done any other Bible passages, or is this more of a one-off?
I’ve done a couple! I won’t have pictures of them until I get back to the US. I also did this one, bit a verse but might be interesting
Just got back from hiking for several days in Shenandoah National Park. Beautiful time of year. Great views.


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Good morning Mrs Juice Box! Brilliant. Reminds me of one of my favourite Christian songs! Thank you for sharing
Morning! Thank you :) I have a bunch more planned out that I haven’t gotten to yet 😄stay tuned
Just finished the set up of my stocklist that I need for next month's Vivarium (Western Europe's largest vivaristic event). I only have to fill out the amounts of fish I'll bring along. The vet and ichthyo-pathobiologist need those lists to check if an exposant of live stock will be graded with a health certificate or not. In this case, my fish will be checked on health, fitness, wellbeing in presentation and water parameters. It also means that my fish can be checked at home as well. As I'm taking their wellbeing seriously, I keep my standard on their wellbeing high.
As a student I hated my music teacher in 4th-5th grade 😭
Especially when we got to recorders
I think most of my students still like me...but a lot of them don't like recorders. I should really figure out an alternative. Highland bagpipes, anyone?
I think most of my students still like me...but a lot of them don't like recorders. I should really figure out an alternative. Highland bagpipes, anyone?
It wasn't what we were being taught, it was how we were being taught. And he hated kids anyways LOL.
Ah, yes, teaching is always a good career choice for people who hate children. :lol:
Yah lol. He made sure he told us he didn't like working with kids as well.
Music wasn't relaxing with that teacher. Heck, Gym was more relaxing 😂

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