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This fish resembles the Brazilian fish known as traíra (Hoplias sp.), a fish known for its sharp teeth and its aggressive behavior.
Well Red Drum are also pretty aggressive! Lol. Idk actually if they have sharp teeth.
Well Red Drum are also pretty aggressive! Lol. Idk actually if they have sharp teeth.
@TheLavenderBadger and I saw a big freshwater drum while we were snorkeling in the Big Sable River on Lake Michigan last summer. Strange looking fish! I guess they're called that because of the noise they make when they're removed from the water.

By the way, I highly recommend snorkeling in the Big Sable, if you ever get up that way. High-quality fish watching! It was like swimming in a giant aquarium. We saw huge bass, perch, gar, at least two kinds of sculpins, sunfish, drum, and I had a very brief game of tag with a northern pike. (the pike won)
Had a fun morning with the Badgerling up in the canyon, collecting driftwood for a couple upcoming aquarium builds, mosses for the paludarium, and the main course for supper! @TheLavenderBadger

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