What are you doing today?

Well today was immensely productive but also extremely tiring and painful.

My anxiety about my dress is eased, as it turned out well and is now in my possession 😆

We picked up this painting of mine from the gallery so we could have it displayed at my event tomorrow (the last vendor event of the season for me, all my in person stock of prints are on sale!)
Other than watching my Cleveland baseball going down the tubes I discovered that I seem to have a jumper in my tank...

When my rope fish started getting in the pump and ceramics chambers of my built in sponge/ceramics filtration I was not really surprised as they are escape artists. After a drawn out battle on this which I gave up on the stupid thing is free to go where he wants. ;)

Decided today that I had not seen one of my cichlids for too long. Got out my mini endoscope and started looking in plants and stuff kind of expecting to find a dead fish. After searching and finding nothing I checked the filter chambers and there he was in the ceramics chamber. Sigh, I hope this does not become a habit as it was a little bit of a pain to get him out of the chamber. I didn't want to use a net as mine would barely fit in the chamber and I was afraid of causing injury so I used my hand to chase until he jumped back into the main tank.

Anyway the end result was fine. Once back in the main tank he hid in plants but only for about 5 minutes. He is now doing his normal stuff. Sometimes I almost believe that these beasties do this stuff just to irritate us meager humans. ;)

If you have ever seen the movie 'Battlefield Earth' with John Travolta there was a scene where the aliens were looking at a video of a human driving a car with a dog in the passenger seat. Their deduction was that, since the human was driving the dog around, the dog must be dominant and the human a servant... Sometimes I wonder how true that may be. ;)
Today I have unpacked boxes, sorted out utility companies, cancelled a vodafone contract that for some reason wasn't getting a signal, organised clients BUT MAINLY, I have procrastinated on finishing my clinic documents for my PGDip. Always something more interesting to do than study lol
A few days ago, I made a video trying to speak English about my "ultra-low-cost" Artemia franciscana culture:

These creatures became pests and I didn't know the reason.

Besides going to gym (once again) and doing some research relating to universities programs, today at least I got one decent picture from my Betta splendens:


My hand reflection ruining the photo

@WhistlingBadger What fish species did you catch? These seem to be trout, fish non-native here in Brazil.
I'm fighting with myself. ;) My, new, new area rug showed up today which will replace my, old, new rug. I love it and so want to place it but I know I need to let it sit up-side-down for a day to let it finish flattening. Actually I suppose that I could place it now but best to let it sit for a day. I was surprised that it didn't come rolled up as most do. This came folded which means a day of sitting will probably do it as there are just some small ridges. When they come rolled it takes a lot longer to flatten as the ends are pretty strongly curled.

This new rug is going to fit perfectly from the front edge of my easy chair to the end of my couch. I intend to cut a small slit in the rug so I can run some wires under so they aren't open on the floor. These wires will be the USB power cord for the accent lights in the table, my game pad, and my surround sound headset. I will do it but want to give a little time to decide whether to put the powered USB hub for these things under my easy chair and run the cables for everything under the rug or to just run the power cord and USB cable from my main computer under the rug and put the USB hub in a compartment facing me in the table. It will probably be the second way as there would be one less wire to run under the rug and I'd end up with a larger range of movement with the game pad and headset as their wires would be right in front of me. Which ever way I go the slit in the rug will be right by a leg of the coffee table. Since the table legs are black I'll just use black 'slip' type wire ties and snip off the ends to run the wires up the leg of the table so they are not loose and prone to get caught on anything such as my foot. ;)

This is all sort of exciting as, believe it or not, at almost 69 years old it will be the first time I've had the opportunity to do things 100% as I want and having the money to do it. I mean I've had the money other times but there was always someone I was involved with that thought they knew what I wanted more than did I. Now it is just me and I can do exactly what I want. :)

Eventually I MAY replace my couch and easy chair with possibly black or tan leather as the current ones are sort of a different style but no hurry on that as what I have is fine and doesn't really clash or anything. It is just that the couch and chair are more of... I guess you would call it a classic style... while everything I'm doing is much more modern.

Sorry this ended up so long. I'm just a bit exited about all this. ;)
@WhistlingBadger What fish species did you catch? These seem to be trout, fish non-native here in Brazil.
These are brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). They only live in cold water, so I would be surprised if there were any in Brazil. What kinds of fish live near your home?
OK, so I lost the battle about laying out the new rug. ;) It worked out perfect as the 6 foot width is perfect as to fitting and wires that will run under the rug and up the closer (to me) black left leg of the table will be black and the table leg sits right on a black area of the rug. The black wires will not even be visible unless you know they are there.

Ignore the black thing in the lower left as it is the corner desk that is going to a friend and will be gone. He just started a new job 5 days ago and we just have not got together to move the desk to his place.

On the right side of the image you can see a bit of the light wood surface on the entertainment center. I think the rug also blends well with this. And there are colors in the rug that are close enough to some colors in the couch and chair that it doesn't matter. Then the black areas of the rug do pretty well as to matching the black marble surface of the table.

There is still some stuff to deal with just to the right of the chair but that is trivial. The black thing leaning against the wall is just the side cover for my main computer and just needs to be slid in next to the 'back side' of the computer. I run my desktops open. Other than that it is just some stuff to figure where to put and wires that will disappear.

When I'm in my apartment I'm bare foot. This rug is SO soft it feels REALLY good

Couch and table with the original rug that is now in my bedroom:

Newer rug now in place. I think it is MUCH better and, since it is my place, mine is the only opinion that matters. ;)
new-new rug and table-small.JPG
OK, so I lost the battle about laying out the new rug. ;) It worked out perfect as the 6 foot width is perfect as to fitting and wires that will run under the rug and up the closer (to me) black left leg of the table will be black and the table leg sits right on a black area of the rug. The black wires will not even be visible unless you know they are there.

Ignore the black thing in the lower left as it is the corner desk that is going to a friend and will be gone. He just started a new job 5 days ago and we just have not got together to move the desk to his place.

On the right side of the image you can see a bit of the light wood surface on the entertainment center. I think the rug also blends well with this. And there are colors in the rug that are close enough to some colors in the couch and chair that it doesn't matter. Then the black areas of the rug do pretty well as to matching the black marble surface of the table.

There is still some stuff to deal with just to the right of the chair but that is trivial. The black thing leaning against the wall is just the side cover for my main computer and just needs to be slid in next to the 'back side' of the computer. I run my desktops open. Other than that it is just some stuff to figure where to put and wires that will disappear.

When I'm in my apartment I'm bare foot. This rug is SO soft it feels REALLY good

Couch and table with the original rug that is now in my bedroom:
View attachment 325419

Newer rug now in place. I think it is MUCH better and, since it is my place, mine is the only opinion that matters. ;)
View attachment 325420
Cozy looking place. I like it. :)

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