What are you doing today?

I had a huge to do list but then I got the stomach bug that’s been going around so that’s not happening lol
What am I doing today? I’m trying to find more entries for Tank of the Month contest which is for tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger. If you have a tank of that size, please consider entering the contest. Click link below.
Seems like the last three months of my business was wasted.
Remember how I said that one of my arrows hit the neighbor's house? They finally gave us the bill and its gonna be 1300 just to fix one little dent.
There go my savings.
Anyway , today I’m enjoying that very brief time of year when the morning sun hits one of my aquariums for an hour. The Golden Wonder swarm of Aplocheilus lineatus are showing colors that boggle my little peanut mind. Nothing like natural light.
I saw these fish at my petsmart a few days ago... When it as just starting out with my 20g, I had asked petsmart if they ever get these guys and one guy said: "I haven't seen one of them come through here for more than 10 years"...
I can't believe I saw these guys at petsmart!! There were at least 4
Most appeared to be males but there was at least one female
@Rocky998 Did you buy the female ?
No no no! Lol... I only have one tank at the moment and I didn't want to risk giving a disease or sickness to my other fish. I would have if the 40g was already set up and I had already moved my gudgeons into there. Then I could get the female and QT her in the 10g
No no no! Lol... I only have one tank at the moment and I didn't want to risk giving a disease or sickness to my other fish. I would have if the 40g was already set up and I had already moved my gudgeons into there. Then I could get the female and QT her in the 10g
What happened to your twenty ? Anyway , I just wondered because some guys like to add new blood to their stock every so often to keep things fresh.
Hoping that I'm finally making serious progress with my cockatiel being seriously cage bound. Previously I had to coax him out of the cage but, for the last several days, probably close to a week, he has been spending most of the time the cage is open out of it on his own. He has only been going in to feed. Admittedly he is spending most of the time perched on a perch on top of the cage but out at all on his own this much is progress. :) He is coming out pretty much as soon as I open the cage at 10:00AM. Funny thing is that he goes back in close to 8:00PM which is when I close up the cage, lights out and cage covered at 9:00PM. It is like he knows when it is cage closing time and likely actually does.


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