Um Is This The New Permanant Layout ?

I mean, even when I got to edit my sig, its not like even BB code anymore? It is all messed up? Some weird text that I cannot understand? Also, when I want to add something ti my sig, it says "Error, your sig is too big" something like that. So, I deleted some stuff, and it said the same thing again? What the heck is going on here?

When the forum converted, the bbcode in posts was saved as html (<b> is html, is the bbcode for bold text). I don't know if it can be fixed or not but any new posts you make will use bbcode, just past ones seem to be in html.

I'm a little surprised that people find IPB 3 to be too complicated. My personal feeling was that this version simplified everything too much, whereas 2.3 had more options. They really made this more user friendly and such. Not really understanding how this is such an advanced skin in others view.
I mean, even when I got to edit my sig, its not like even BB code anymore? It is all messed up? Some weird text that I cannot understand? Also, when I want to add something ti my sig, it says "Error, your sig is too big" something like that. So, I deleted some stuff, and it said the same thing again? What the heck is going on here?

When the forum converted, the bbcode in posts was saved as html (<b> is html, is the bbcode for bold text). I don't know if it can be fixed or not but any new posts you make will use bbcode, just past ones seem to be in html.

I'm a little surprised that people find IPB 3 to be too complicated. My personal feeling was that this version simplified everything too much, whereas 2.3 had more options. They really made this more user friendly and such. Not really understanding how this is such an advanced skin in others view.

Its just going to take some getting used to, that's all. I hope in time it will grow on me.

It is going to take a LONG time to go through my sig and re-due it all in BBcode!

I just hope Tolak gets those skins up and working! :lol:

I am no too fond of this skin! I was happy with the bright blue skin I had from the previous forum design.

when i opened the site today i was thinking "what the....!!??"
a few minutes of clicking and navigating and i found the important "tools" i use most often.
the one thing i do not like so far (again may take some getting used to), is that when you open a thread, it automatically brings you to the last post. but i suppose it theoretically is no different than trying to find where you left off in a long thread, just in reverse...i can see how it will make replies much easier for long threads...but i dont like that particular feature.
just my friendly 2 cents

**ps to the admins...when all's said and done are we still gonna have to wait the 3 mins. to send pm's one after another? curious if this modification was just to make it "nicer", but there was mention of it being more "secure" (i assume to bots, etc.) just a question :)
The blue skin is better, at least things are a bit more clearly divided. One thing I think is really irritating is the lack of distinction between the pinned and normal topics- it just looks like one massive long page. Clearly IPB have thought something like 'lols lets make it more open', in doing so however have a)made everything ridiculously huge (as mentioned), b) left an awful lot of fresh air between things like subforum headings and c) other things. Oh, also irritating is the non-existing lines between topics and things.
The blue skin is better, at least things are a bit more clearly divided. One thing I think is really irritating is the lack of distinction between the pinned and normal topics- it just looks like one massive long page. Clearly IPB have thought something like 'lols lets make it more open', in doing so however have a)made everything ridiculously huge (as mentioned), b) left an awful lot of fresh air between things like subforum headings and c) other things. Oh, also irritating is the non-existing lines between topics and things.

I sent a mod a PM about this, and hopefully it will be changed.

There is no header for each sub-forum, which is a little distracting and easy to get lost, imo.

I want the old forum back. lol.
Can't even find my pm box at the moment.
I don't mind this new look, s'ok :)
Now there's a reply link below every post which automatically quotes that post. The quote isn't separated from the rest of the new post which makes it really hard to read. I notice a few of the later posts in this thread have the quote in a box though, is that a glitch fixed?
Agree with the pinned topics not being separated too-it would be much better if they were :good:
I don't mind this new look, s'ok :)
Now there's a reply link below every post which automatically quotes that post. The quote isn't separated from the rest of the new post which makes it really hard to read. I notice a few of the later posts in this thread have the quote in a box though, is that a glitch fixed?
Agree with the pinned topics not being separated too-it would be much better if they were :good:

I think that is what bryce hockey was trying to explain, about the switch between HTML & BB code hence why the older posts arent in boxes, which is a shame because it makes it hard to read some really useful threads/ posts.
pssst Wilder - here's how to find your pm's

Very top right of the screen you should see your name and a little arrow pointing down.
Click the arrow and then click on "messenger" and there ya go - all your pm's waiting just waiting for you.

The upgrade isn't just about a new look. TFF's admin guys didn't design the whole forum it's created by IPB.
Admin here have done the sensible thing and upgraded to the most recent version of the software (a bit like you upgrading from Windows 98 to XP and then to Vista and probably soon to Windows 7) it just means that they (Tolak et al) have to spend some of their (unpaid) time sorting out certain features, modifying things from the default to custom TFF settings and such.
Thing is when software providers upgrade the code behind what you see it also means that some old skins (themes, styles) don't work any more until they have been edited to work with the new code.

Everything is still here, it just might not be where you are used to finding it is all.
Give it time.
My first thought was "woah...", but then click here and there and find where things are. I'm rather liking this after the initial shock.
I'm quite interested in the change. I've only been on a few minuets, so can't really say anything. I like the profile setup though! Can't find my PM's, but just give me a few minuets.

Change can be scary at first, but usually its for the best! Kinda like when they do road construction, it sucks and you hate it because the construction slows you down. But once the new road is paved is so nice and you love it :).

The emoticons window opening up on the side is nice.

Thanks William and all the Mods for working so hard on upgrading the site!

Question please

I often use the red colour to answer questions in posts and to do things like the coral of the week posts - where has the colour gone?

Seffie x
theres a little a with aa paint brush next to the sizs drop down seffie

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