Um Is This The New Permanant Layout ?

Hope that helps I've put a divider in. We won't be able to be so quick with other points raised, but please keep the feedback coming it is all good.

Maybe it's me, but the divider seems to have vanished again.
It looks much better with, but I can live without =)

Nope, it's me - the divider is on the IP.Board skin.
Please may we have the divider on the Simple Blue skin too?
The problem here is william should of tested the site and personalised the theme which it look's like he's doing live on the site as each time i sign in something has changed.

Simply test before upgrading live, this is the first thing that should be done.

Still i like the new sytsem and feel no one will be saying anything in 5 days.
if this was done firstly then it would be saving all these comments.
The problem here is william should of tested the site and personalised the theme which it look's like he's doing live on the site as each time i sign in something has changed.

Another forum I use tried this method with three weeks of testing/customising prior to launch - the sql server crashed in the region of 70 times over the period, cause it could'nt handle both softwares happily together. The forum in question is as busy as this one and hosted by UK2 so not a small setup.
11:15pm GMT Sunday .... Wow, the blue skin just dramatically changed on me. Obviously the admins just finished one of the new modifications to the overall look of the forum and put it in to effect. I think I like quite a few aspects of it!.. has quite a nice look.

I've been away for a while and really freaked out when I logged on. I wasn't sure I had the right place until I recognized some names. I would agree with some here about the new look being a little too bright but they at least gave the option for the old look still for us OLD guys! The eyes can't take it anymore :crazy:
People are afraid of change! :hey:
ever thought they could have a different, but just as valid, thoughts on the subject from you? its "HORRIBLE" to look at, something agree by at least on mod involved. I am sure it will improve. but ATM it will do little but but new members off.

How will it put new members off when this is the only thing they have had, so they cannot compare it to anything?
I love the new skin - the contrasting blue makes it much easier to read so :good:

How do we get the divider back between the pinned/unpinned topics? That's the only thing I'm finding difficult - everything else is good!
ive lost count now how many themes i have had since logging on now! lol but honestly, this skin at this point of time is a nice one, im not sure what it is called but its very appealing!
We are working on customising the design of the site. The upgrade took much longer than expected (all night! ). As a result of this I've not have time to correct some image issues or look at alternative skins.

This is the latest version of invisionboard which is important because it means that we can get support and additional features in addition to the forums being more secure and safe. It certainly will take some getting used to!

Have you thought about running an offline version of this site which you can test on before releasing half finished skins etc onto the community?...that way we'd only see the finisalised product, which'd save a lot of moaning.
People are afraid of change! :hey:
ever thought they could have a different, but just as valid, thoughts on the subject from you? its "HORRIBLE" to look at, something agree by at least on mod involved. I am sure it will improve. but ATM it will do little but but new members off.

How will it put new members off when this is the only thing they have had, so they cannot compare it to anything?

you are assuming that new members have no experience of forums, at all. which is at best, simplistic. 

the "new" update looks good. though still full of holes. things are improving.
i cant believe this topic is still going. are people still digging up items to throw at the mods. If you dont like the forum, do what i did and follow keitholms advice, change you skin back to the old one, it is slightly different but 95% the same. So much easier to work with but you still have all the new features and security protections.

i personally would rather spend an extra couple of seconds navigating, than 5 or 10 mins reporting a series of spammers that managed to get through the old protection very easily.
Lets cut the mods some slack here.

Personally, i feel this thread and other similar ones should be closed, as people are just using it as a chance to have a winge and retaliate from previous 'vendettas'. Lastly, the mods have said they are still working on it, so why not wait until it is 100% completed, - then if you dont like it or feel changes can be made, speak up.
hmm i`m liking how it is now.. very nice.. its different to how it was last night,and how knows could be different again this evening.... but deffo an improvement of how it was a couple of days ago and infact im tempted to say its better than the old site... but i wont speak too soon ;)
Lastly, the mods have said they are still working on it, so why not wait until it is 100% completed

Because they could of done all this offline and just uploaded it once it was finished and working ok.

not necessarily. that could have meant the site could be down for days....

i admit, it looks alot better now, a TEENY bit frustrating that i hadnt even got to know the old layout and now its changed again, but its getting there, and as mentioned change HAS to happen to keep up with the times!

i think the mods/admin are working hard to make it what people want, and people should be grateful of this

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