Tropical FF Pet Peeves

yeah i agree i dont work at the lfs b ut the clerks are often wrong theyll tell you what you want to hear im good friend with the owner @ my lfs and he knows whats in my tank and even asks how the fish are doing
The clerks at my lfs hate me anyway, they throw nasty remarks when i'm leaving all because one day i pointed out to a freind a dying gourami in their tank. I don't understand how they treat paying customers badly. Which is why i choose to go to another one even if they have less selection.
I imagine I'm not the only one to have experienced this......

Giving a lengthy, well-researched reply to a question and not receiving any response whatsoever. Manners cost nothing but go far in my world.
:lol: Aw, lets face it the word manners just isn't in some peoples vocabulary! Like i always say, manners aren't hard to carry! :/

I hate people who always blame the lfs employee for their problems :sly: Maybe if they actually listened, they would'nt have the problems in the first place.

Yes, i do work in the lfs :/
Lets face it not all lfs employees should be tarred with the same brush! I met a really nice one ONCE about a few years ago. Introduced himself & said if i ever needed any help to ask for him. Hed been keeping fish for 10 years & had a few marine tanks and everything. Trouble is, ive never seen him again & dont want to ask where hes gone incase the other old f@rts bite my head off! :lol: Though i CAN understand the people not listening bit. We have to remember not all customers are the same either!
Well, I work in a pet/fish store, so I won't even bother listing my pet peeves, but I will say that I hate being 14 because according to some members on here 14 year olds know nothing. :rolleyes: Geesh I wish I would turn 15 sooner because then I would magicly become smarter! Some of the more knowledgeable members in here are only in their early teens, so shove it up your....I'll stop now :D
I hate being told one thing online only for my LFS manager to dismiss it and then to reed in a book that there both wrong

Opinions and advice are to different things!
Hmmm.. pet hates, I like this one..

Posters in the emergency forum with a non-cycled tank, who having killed one set of fish and asked for advice, immediately go and replace the dead fish with another batch before the cycling is complete! They should be made to breath tear gas for four weeks to get a feel for what ammonia does to the fish :hey:

Anyone called Bob!

(maybe that ones just me :) )

And anyone who advises someone to get a group of mixed sex guppies as a good beginner fish wants shooting or even just male fancy guppies as a beginners fish in a community tank are normally a disaster. Their long fins are such a tempting snack for the other fish. They eat their young, breed to plague proportions and have trouble swimming because of the ornamental fins.
Umm, being 14, I can't buy fish on my own at many places, get treated like an idiot who knows nothing about fish, don't have a credit card or job (to afford all these darn fish), don't have my own house/flat (to fill up with darn tanks), and can't buy things online without getting my dad to pay for them first...
Feeshy - you know lots about fish hun, so don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.

As for the job and credit cards, don't be in such a rush - you'll be wishing the opposite once you do have them!

What kind of rule is that where you can't buy fish just because your 14? I've gone into my lps and I would say hi to the person working there because they know me and would say what fish I want and how many and they just get a net and a bag and thats that.
The law here is actually 12 to buy a pet but most places won't sell to under 16s. But yeah they know that I keep fish so I can get them when ever I want.
Umm, being 14, I can't buy fish on my own at many places, get treated like an idiot who knows nothing about fish, don't have a credit card or job (to afford all these darn fish), don't have my own house/flat (to fill up with darn tanks), and can't buy things online without getting my dad to pay for them first...

Agreed 100% to the fourth power. Although i don't have any problems buying fish.
I can't see how much you can change in four years to suddenly become and adult. Blasphemous and discriminatory.
Ummmm.....I hate being a newbie!!!! :*)

Also, on a forum that shall remain nameless........everyone was argueing all the time about bad advise that was given and blah blah blah! ( I hate when people say blah blah blah too!). I just think if you don't know the correct advise.....then keep reading so you will learn from someone else that does!

My TFF peeves:

- When people reply to a question with, 'Sorry, I don't know.' Or 'I think I saw it somewhere but I forgot.' Not very helpful.

-Offering advice, only to have it thrown in your face by some person who has selective deafness and only hears what they want to hear. For example if you tell someone they should buy a bigger tank for their common pleco they and they churn out the good ol' 'The pet store told me I could! And you don't work at a pet store!' routine. They shouldn't ask for help if they aren't going to take it into consideration.

- And finally:

.....and finally people that have silly arguments on the forum just because they think they know what they are doing when they clearly dont......usually turns out to be some 14 year old.

I know this has just been gone over by Meg, and OohFeeshy but it really sucks not being taken seriously as a result of our age... both in pet stores and unfortunately sometimes on TFF. :(
Think about it: who's advice is more valid? A 30 year old with 8 months experience or a 14/15 year old with two years?

But to be more positive, my TFF loves:

- Being able to talk about fish to people who care, and understand that fishkeeping is about more than pretty fishies and neon gravel.

- Getting to know members and their fish and other pets.

- Having a place to get good advice, from people who's reputation I know.

And heaps more! :D
I have another peeve, people that buy fish that they know will get to big for there tank like this person that has 2 silver dollars, 1 rtbs, 2 gold barbs, and some other fish in a 29g and they said that they would rehome them once they got bigger and they said they've had it over a year and that they are only a couple inches long. :no:

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