Tropical FF Pet Peeves

3 of whom can be found giving good advice on chat on most evenings, that would beg to differ.

I shall assume that was 1/3 aimed at me, but since you are meen to me (although addmittedly you're not the one that throws locusts on my imaginary yucca tree :p) I shall ignore it and say 'but cfc isn't 14 ' :sly:

Adding on to that, people who think just because they're 12 (or whatever), they have the right to do what the hell they like even when everyone tells them hoe wrong it is/they are.

Happier now, wolfio?
Im not saying every reply should be filled with knowledge its just people that seem to to reply with comments that have little to do with the original qustion (and I know Im not the only one who gets wound up by that because Ive read it a good few times) or as someone else pointed out just replying "agreed".....why bother?
I Agree :rofl:
Laugh and the world laughs with you :lol: Ivor :beer:
3 of whom can be found giving good advice on chat on most evenings, that would beg to differ.
since you are a <wolf edit> I shall ignore it

people that don't go into chat may misread that little "in joke" and take it the wrong way.
I suggest that you edit it.

oh and don't think tha you're forgiven yet either.
This may have already been listed....I hate it when people quote you right after your post. There is no need for that. I really hate it when people quote f-ing pictures.
Actually Mick, what you said was that the people who think they know something and clearly don't, generally turn out to be 14 year olds.

I simply pointed out that this was a gross generalisation and gave an example of 3 fine, upstanding young citizens (I was being nice to you feeshy, but you can just get back in that corner now :p), so you would know that it wasn't always the case.

Oh, and I agree with your peeve on people who don't read posts properly - especially when it's their own.
:p :shifty:

Mandy - people often quote posts by accident but also because they wan't to ensure that the OP knows exactly which parts of their post are being replied too.

I resisted the temptation to do it this time though!
Actually Mick, what you said was that the people who think they know something and clearly don't, generally turn out to be 14 year olds

once again thats not what I said, I said they start childish arguments because they dont know what they are doing, and usually turn out to be about 14....hence the childish argument notr hence they dont know what they are doing.....when someone starts arguing with someone after asking a question and doesnt like the replys they get, Im just pointing out that the 3 times I can remember people making childish comments is because they are infact a child.
I didnt say that anyone younger doesnt know what they are exact words were...

"....and finally people that have silly arguments on the forum just because they think they know what they are doing when they clearly dont......usually turns out to be some 14 year old" have misinterpreted what I was saying, I can see where you have got it from but that isnt what I was saying, but at least other people agree.
People who don't know about fish (young or old) are researching fish when they ask the employee at the lfs to get the fish out for them. The LFS employee knows (or should know) #*@& well that a single bala shark and 3 guppies is not ideal stocking for a ten gallon. Then they get home and the fish start dieing because the LFS employee didn't tell them anything about the nitrogen cycle. So they come on here to do research. People say google this and google that. The people asking the question probably should just use google to search for the topic but atleast they are trying. Tell them that you did a quick google search and found lots of helpful info. Ask them nicely to give it a try and if they can't find what they are looking for come back. It really isn't there fault. The LFS employee steared them wrong. I hope that makes sense I'm not feeling real good today so my brains not quite working right. Basically, go easy on people asking stupid questions sometimes google just doesn't come to mind and SOMETIMES they do google and this fish forum comes up=). have misinterpreted what I was saying, I can see where you have got it from but that isnt what I was saying, but at least other people agree.

I guess I have then and apologise.

Wouldn't want to continue a pointless argument just for the sake of arguing now would I?
It peeves me that so few people can be bothered going into the newbie section and welcoming someone to the forums.

Me too!

I seem to spend most of my time in there saying Hi - along with you, Bloo and a couple of others.

Come on folks - make the effort!
I don't really see a point in the newbie section where all the new members are saying "hi" or something like that I mean whats the point of saying "hi" 15 times to 15 different people ????
I don't really see a point in the newbie section where all the new members are saying "hi" or something like that I mean whats the point of saying "hi" 15 times to 15 different people ????

Supposed to be so they can introduce themselves, give a little info and be welcomed to the forum properly.

If we use it they way it's meant, we can point people in the right direction for the advice they need straightaway, instead of waiting until they've made a mistake and lost a load of fish.

I think it's a good idea and reckon you should take on your share of newbie duty Durbkat!
People who post a topic in the wrong forum/ with a stupid or hard question/ not clearly explained and then bump it up to infinity when they don't get a reply in a few hours.
I don't really see a point in the newbie section where all the new members are saying "hi" or something like that I mean whats the point of saying "hi" 15 times to 15 different people ????

Supposed to be so they can introduce themselves, give a little info and be welcomed to the forum properly.

If we use it they way it's meant, we can point people in the right direction for the advice they need straightaway, instead of waiting until they've made a mistake and lost a load of fish.

I think it's a good idea and reckon you should take on your share of newbie duty Durbkat!

Im still waiting for Durbkat to come say hi!! :hyper:
I don't really see a point in the newbie section where all the new members are saying "hi" or something like that I mean whats the point of saying "hi" 15 times to 15 different people ????

Supposed to be so they can introduce themselves, give a little info and be welcomed to the forum properly.

If we use it they way it's meant, we can point people in the right direction for the advice they need straightaway, instead of waiting until they've made a mistake and lost a load of fish.

I think it's a good idea and reckon you should take on your share of newbie duty Durbkat!

Im still waiting for Durbkat to come say hi!! :hyper:

ha! I just said Hi to you as well - Durbkat thinks he's 'too awesome' for that though.
:lol: :p
hahaha, maybe it will rub off on some of us lesser people!

Cheers, very nice!

"Nice" should be omitted from the english language! its such a terrible word!

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