Tropical FF Pet Peeves

i have a peeve too

mine is when youre just trying to ask a simple question nd sum guy who thinks he knows everything has to be a jerk about it nd try nd tell u how to run ur tank when all u were looking for was sum information on the best possibilty

like i dont understand why people have a reason to be rude here were talking about fish its not sum competition or sumthing

but whatever maybe im the one whose off his rocker
One of my Pet Peeves is on keyboards!

Now i like to have my keyboard at a higher angle, thus i use the little feet under the keyboard to prop it up!

Now what really pisses me off is when i only have one of these little feet!!! :no:

How annoying!

Anyone share this little piece of hell? ????
1. When people claim that their bettas are suicidal but those people didn't bother to provide the bettas with adequate housing (ie a lid).

2. When there has been a new reply to an interesting thread so you click the thread to read the new reply and it turns out to be just a smilie.

3. Trolls trying to become mods

4. I freely admit I've posted enough garbage in the 1.5+ years I've been hanging around here but the people that have 4000 posts in 3 months and think it's all valuable comments irritate me. If my 170ish post count includes some garbage then your 4000 posts has to have some too.

Thanks to the people that take such time and effort to form educated replies to questions!

Fish peeve - people that have fish in tanks that are too small for them!

peeve in life - people that cant drive. i want a big megaphone on my car so i can shout at them as they take a right turn whilst indicating left.
peeve- when i first got my 29 gallon i got sum gold gouramis and the guy at the lfs gave me one gourami that was missing an eye which i didnt notice till i got home and from that day forward i never went to that guy again
although addmittedly you're not the one that throws locusts on my imaginary yucca tree

I feel like I am in some alternate reality sometimes. What the heck does this mean? :lol:
Agreed 100% to the fourth power. Although i don't have any problems buying fish.
I can't see how much you can change in four years to suddenly become and adult. Blasphemous and discriminatory.
It is amazing the amount of maturing that goes on between 14 and 18, and it carries on to early 20s. There are a few people who are quite mature for their age, but 14 year olds are, by and large, nowhere near as mature as 18 year olds. Hence 18 being the age majority.

The only people who moan that there isn't a great deal of difference between the maturity of a 14 year old and an 18 year old are those around the 14 mark. Once they get older and look back at their memories and the people that are then 14 they realise the huge difference.

My main peeve is (as already mentioned) posts saying "I have no idea about it, but..." and give nothing at all. But each to their own.

being a newbie to fish keeping (so new i've not even got my tank yet - doing my homework first), i'm constantly surprised bby the amount of bad advice given out by lfs'.

i'm not saying they're all bad, i have heard people say that theirs is very good, but it seems the majority are not.

i must say that if i hadn't found this forum i would have taken what i was told in an lfs as gospel and stuck to it, then probably wonder why my fishies were unwell or died.

i cant believe there isnt some kind of basic qualification that not just fish retailers but all pet retailers should have to take so that they can give the best advice possible.

i realise they probably wouldnt make as much money that way, but what is money compared to a life??

on the upside, this forum is an absolute goldmine of information, so thanks everyone for all your help so far, and in advance cos i'm sure i'll need some more in the future


ales xx
peeve in life - people that cant drive. i want a big megaphone on my car so i can shout at them as they take a right turn whilst indicating left.

:lol: Lord do I agree with that. People who are incapable of using blinkers correctly or at all drive me totally insane.

Now to the subject at hand: My TFF pet peeves: People who post - "Gee I saw this pretty fish at the store and I just couldn't live without it. What is it, and how do I take care of it."

People who answer your post, "I have no experience with your particular question, but I think it/the fish are neat."

People who get irritated with newbies who don't know all the common abbreviations.

Things I love: All you wonderful people that just want to help me have a beautiful thriving tank. :thumbs:
i hate people who don't type properly and don't use full stops or capital letters and who type sum instead of some and who use text short-hand to tell u wot they want and who type sentences that R too long n stuff

i hate people who don't type properly and don't use full stops or capital letters and who type sum instead of some and who use text short-hand to tell u wot they want and who type sentences that R too long n stuff


*head explodes from irony*
New pet peeves: People who keep schooling fish, but not in proper numbers. Also, people with overstocked tanks who never listen and just buy more and more fish when some die.
I hate it when i sometimes feel as a newby that my search for a reasoned answer is DUMB in others opinions.

Yes I have done some dumb stuff eg. got all excited and when tank had cycled listened to staff in LFS and ended up with fish that will grow to large for my tank!

But i did ask is my defence and I would asume that as it was a specialist store they would be able to keep me on the right track.

My other dumb stuff includes interpretation of fish encyclopedia information wronly however this was due to 3 different books and 2 web pages giving differing advice, luckily no harm done and the mistake was easily rectified.

But really is this dumb stuff or part of the learning curve.

I also really hate it that i do belive others have made the same mistakes and that they are now the experienced hands on sites such as this, but instead of support given sociably it is quite often provided in a rude and arrogant manner.

OH and above and beyond that 4 wheel drivers!!!!! not a thing to do with this point. but i still hate them!!!!
I hate it when someone on the forum gets all preachy about someone elses practices and why they are unethical or some other bull*@#& and then won't drop it when it's plainly apparent that they jumped to conclusions. By the way, I'll still raise guppy fry solely for the occasional archerfish treat. I don't even feel bad about it.

Also I hate it when I go into a LFS and the help insists on educating me about how to care for the fish I want to buy. I understand that most people need the advice, but I have been doing this since my early youth and I make that clear, they still won't stop interogating me.

Also I hate it when someone with a high rating insists on putting their two cents in on every single topic that's posted in a particular forum. Don't take yourself so seriously man!!!!

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