Tropical FF Pet Peeves

"Excessive scientific names"? Lordy. When I was researching Dwarf Puffers, I'd have given my right arm if the LPS had scientific names handy. The common name "dwarf puffer" was used on 3 different puffer fish, one of which was not dwarf and was brackish, while the other two were fresh water. I love scientific names. They make things so much easier. Common names are sometimes too common.

I don't see what all the hubub is about replies that don't contain information for the poster. Sometimes I post because I feel like having a conversation with someone about fish, I don't have that in real life. In real life, everyone I know gets a severe case of rolly-eye syndrome right when I say the word 'fish'.

My biggest pet peeve has already been stated, but I just gotta say it again so I can get it out of my system: I VERY MUCH dislike it when people create threads with topics like "CLICK ME" and "HELP HELP HELP". I refuse to click them, and I don't feel right asking them to edit their topic. There was one person on here who named most of their threads for about a month, various versions of ">CLICK<", no matter what forum they were on.

This is only a peeve because I get my hopes up real high and then i get shot down. I'll see a title for something for sale, and its always something that I want, and I click on it, read all about it, and at the very end it says located in the UK. Does me no good in america. I get upset =(

Eech, forgot to include this in my reply.

If it makes you feel any better, Lexie3787, these people haven't read the rules. It's a pinned topic right on top, and clear to understand even without reading the topic as it is. I've gone through the same frustrations, and finally I just gave up on the swapmeet area on this particular forum... there are more efficient places for me to do the same thing elsewhere. :/

Pinned: Helping people from your area to find your topic
>Insert Item Location here<
It really annoys me when especially in the aquarium fish pictures thread people automatically go "thats wrong, all wrong" (obviously if there is something "wrong" then point them in the right direction kindly) But especially when its opinion, and then someone else kind of says like "hey, thats not fair" which is good to say it's not fair but then the whole thread is backchatting and both people are the only people participated in the thread and its all like "yeah but....." and then "yeah but.....". This especially annoys when whilst in a petty argument, whenever the arguer has a point which they think is valid they put a " :p " smiley at the end as if to say "ha!!! look who's right now! stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!!" I think it's really big headed. I mean, people post their pics to share and because they are proud of their tank, and then their self esteem goes down the drain as a whole argument has broken out... I've probably given away the exact thread i have in mind but anyhoo.
People who automatically assume that a short post is spamming and then everybody hates you, like on another forum i said thankyou to someone because of what they replied to me and immediately the moderator was on my back saying "that is irrelevant" , is a little please and thankyou too much nowadays?
People who make the thread title "Please help!" or "OMG emergency!" in the fish emergency bit. Plus people who dont do proper research and then wonder why they have fish dying.
Whole threads dedicated to slagging off their lfs or fish products, we all know that some lfs' are not always in good quality, so nobody really cares, its nothing new to anyone, plus there are loads of good ones out there.
I know someone else has said this, but the immediate relation between finding nemo and tropical fish, like every single time im in my lfs, someone annoying little brat says "haahahahaha! look! mummy look! look mummy! its nemo!" yeah, very funny, but we've heard it so many times already. Especially when the little oiks go and press their hands and faces up at the glass.
Lastly, people who constanly ask things that are a matter of their own opinion, once is ok, but every couple of weeks the same person posts again, asking "shall i get multicoloured gravel or natural?" or one that really gets on my nerves is when people ask the same question,the first time they say it im like ok, just say what you think and then that'll be the end of it, but no, you think that they have made their mind up but 2 days later, they start a new thread, asking the same thing, so everone's like, "havent you asked this before?" and they say "yeah, but i cant make my mind up lol" no, it's not funny, its damn irritating. Which leads me onto the excessive use of "lol", especially when its not funny, but annoying.
p.s. if you could be bothered to read all that, then you must be very bored.
geo7x, you gave me a really good chuckle. Everything you say rings true - but none of that fazes me (anymore). It's all a bit like "a duck and water" :)

Ps: bored, no ;)

Ps: I find it funny that half the people can't read the topic titles properly ;) For instance this one where a whole bunch of people discuss peeves that have absolutely nothing to do with TFF at all.
Know what else I hate (not fish related) but I hate it when I have to pack my laptop away and go to class when I'm reading up on TFF as I have to do in a few minutes :sly:
What really gets on my t*t is when you go to the pet stroe tell the assistant the exact fish you want and they give you totally the wrong one, its just because they are lazy and cant be bothered to spend 2 mins for the fish you want.

and another thing LFS dirty tanks with loads of dead fish, which arent even taken out, and they still sell the god damn fish that are in the same tank as the dead ones's.

BETTAS in small tanks and cups, with out heating and in the same tanks as guppies platies you name it they have a betta in with it :crazy:

one more LFSS sell fish to anyone, they dont care about the tank they just want to get rid of the fish and get money.

i am not going on at all LFS staff, some of them are quite good and actually no what they are talking about, however thats once in a blue moon :lol:
i dont have any peeves with the shops i use (only 2 on the island) both give excellent advice now and stock everything i need,and the staff are friendly.

I do hate how I hear people saying a goldfish grows to the size of its home and no more, this really annoys me especially when its friends saying this.

i also hate it when people "hang" others for mistakes in fish keeping. Everyone even the most experienced fish keepers make mistakes.

i am one of these look its nemo people :blush:
I hate it when you buy a fish tank for $100 dollars then the next day the lfs lowers the price to $50
BETTAS in small tanks and cups, with out heating
I keep my betta in a un heated 2.5 gallon tank and its perfectly fine, I just wrap the tank up with a blanket every night so that it doesn't get to cold.
My pet peeves for this forum...
People who don't accept good advise
People sending around wrong advise

And what I hate the most: People being flamed for mistakes. Everyone was new to fishkeeping once, and they seem to forget that. Some people just flip out when small mistakes are made.

Just as an example, goldfish are a common problem with new fishkeepers (Small tanks, warm water, etc) and instead of telling them: "Goldfish can get pretty big, and they do best in cooler temperatures", some members flame the poor new member to the point where they either don't post anymore or other members have to step in to defend them.

I can control my temper, and I have also made MANY mistakes in fish keeping, so I usually give out firm advise guiding beginners in the correct direction. Unfortunately, some members can't do that because they are high and mighty and have never made any mistakes ever :whistle: ;)
OOOOOkay after 30 minutes of reading through this entire topic guess its time to throw my two cents in!

1.) Way too many people are far too worried about the stupid post count. FIRST of all just because someone has 9789798 posts DOES NOT mean they know a damn thing about anything! Now with that being said, who gives a F!&* if every single post someone writes isn't a detailed paragraph of great advice. This is a DISCUSSION forum, not strictly an "advice-giving" forum, although it is an excellent source of advice. If they're just posting "agreed", or "nice tank"; first of all its probably not simply to increase their post count, and second of all, if it is to increase their post count then who cares, because remember it doesn't mean crap anyway right?

2.) I know this isn't a big deal but it erks the hell out of me, when people make small spelling or grammatical errors in their posts. I can understand if you don't know how to spell a word or something (although they do make a book for such occasions!), but it takes like 1 or 2 minutes to just read over your post and correct small mistakes. I know I pick out a few just about every time I post.

OK I think thats about it, for now! :crazy:
2.) I know this isn't a big deal but it erks the hell out of me, when people make small spelling or grammatical errors in their posts.
Please don't take this the wrong way (I just find it funny) but it's irks - and not "erks" ;)
there is too much hate in this world so i dont hate much or dislike much i just get on with it ,, lives to short to be thiking about hate....
if people post the same things so what ? what diffrence does that make to you?
if people in the lfs try and tell you the wrong thing well try and help them out and re educated them ,
id people are snotty and stuck up then think ,,they are the misrable 1s not you ,, sad low lifes ,,
so all im saying is live to short to be hating things brush it off then get on with it ,,
live life as its youre last ,,, :good: :hyper: 8) :D :shout: :nod: :rolleyes: :lol:

my last post was life not live i cant spell yes i know but that doesnt bother me either ,, so cheers ppl,, have fun live life to the max

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