Tropical FF Pet Peeves

another pet peeve of mine is
no one (or few members) commenting on pics posted in Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures.
just take a min to think of what the postee has gone through to get a pic, or two that they deem is "good enough" for you lot to look at only to have 100+views with 3 or 4 comments.

At least I try and trick you guys into saying something in mine posts there :p
other members may just give up an not bother posting any more pics.

I'm glad you raised that subject. I often look at the pictures and think oh that's lovely. Unfortunately due to lack of knowledge of fish other than the ones I keep that is all I could say. After a while that would get boring for everybody! Maybe others don't comment for the same reason? :)
It peeves me that so few people can be bothered going into the newbie section and welcoming someone to the forums.
What bothers me the most (at least right now anyway) is when someone tells you if you don't like the post or think its stupid then don't read it. How am I supposed to know its stupid unless I read it?
What bothers me the most (at least right now anyway) is when someone tells you if you don't like the post or think its stupid then don't read it. How am I supposed to know its stupid unless I read it?

This is why clearly labelling posts is so important. As time is (sometimes) limited, I like to be able to pick and choose subjects where I can make a sensible contribution.

I can't understand the people who complain about too many posts on one subject, like guppy fry- these are almost always labelled as such, so you can easily skim past them. I have a problem with posts headed-'oh, my God' or 'please read this', with no further indication.

But at the same time, I want to send a BIG HUG to all the people who patiently answer question after question on the same basic subjects that must get very boring to them, but are still new and important to the poster. You are doing a great job!
It peeves me that so few people can be bothered going into the newbie section and welcoming someone to the forums.

Me too!

I seem to spend most of my time in there saying Hi - along with you, Bloo and a couple of others.

Come on folks - make the effort!
people who put big fish in little tanks :grr: ive seen some disturbing pics this last few weeks
I hate it when people post saying "Ive just bought a ......... and Ive havent got a clue what Im doing so need info on how to look after it etc, since Im too lazy to research the fish BEFORE I went out and bought it Im too lazy to research it now so can someone do it for me and simply reply with a link to save me bothering......thanks guys!"

then someone replies with a link to a google search......dont encourage them! (of course they dont ACTUALLY say that but thats what it sounds like.)

....Oh, and people that just seem to post all day everyday without actually giving any usefull advice, just stupid irrelavent comments to get their post counts up......why?....there is no prize for posting 25 posts a day?

.....and finally people that have silly arguments on the forum just because they think they know what they are doing when they clearly dont......usually turns out to be some 14 year old.
I Agree with most people, but we do need people to ask questions, if everyone uses the search button there would be a reduction on posting and people would slowly leave the forum. we need a mixture of people, young and old to make it a pleasure of helping people out. Long live the forum! Love to all Ivor :beer:
Until I read this post, I had no idea that the post count was so important to everyone. I have never even looked at my own post count, let alone others. The funny thing is I'm sitting here typing, and wondering about how people will look at this post. Will it be viewed as a legitimate post, or is it a post booster? Does anyone care to explain why it's so important? I don't have the time to comment on every post I read, but if others do, go for it.
P.S. I have a new pet peeve. The fact that I look at post count now! I should just be looking at the actual post.
I hate it when people post saying "Ive just bought a ......... and Ive havent got a clue what Im doing so need info on how to look after it etc, since Im too lazy to research the fish BEFORE I went out and bought it Im too lazy to research it now so can someone do it for me and simply reply with a link to save me bothering......thanks guys!"

then someone replies with a link to a google search......dont encourage them! (of course they dont ACTUALLY say that but thats what it sounds like.)

....Oh, and people that just seem to post all day everyday without actually giving any usefull advice, just stupid irrelavent comments to get their post counts up......why?....there is no prize for posting 25 posts a day?

.....and finally people that have silly arguments on the forum just because they think they know what they are doing when they clearly dont......usually turns out to be some 14 year old.

That's a tad unfair Mick. :sly:

I spend a lot of time on this forum and no for a fact that the majority of stuff I post isn't providing advice to anyone. Other people like me come here because they want to get to know other like minded people and I think I've managed to make a few friends here as a result. I do not care about my post count but am now starting to worry about posting too often!

Tough though if it annoys anyone. :p

The forum isn't just for people who know what they're doing either and if everyone used the search facility there would be little need for the forum to remain open!

As regards to your comments about people who don't know anything turning out to be a 14 year old - I know several young members, 3 of whom can be found giving good advice on chat on most evenings, that would beg to differ.

New peeve - people who've apparently forgotten what it was like to be a newbie and / or young!
My peeves were people who did NO research ATALL on a fish and just expects others to research it for them, not people asking questions or people opinions or personal experience, thats totally fine.

Im not saying every reply should be filled with knowledge its just people that seem to to reply with comments that have little to do with the original qustion (and I know Im not the only one who gets wound up by that because Ive read it a good few times) or as someone else pointed out just replying "agreed".....why bother?

"As regards to your comments about people who don't know anything turning out to be a 14 year old "

If you read it again you'll find that wasnt what I other peeve was the fact that people "PEOPLE THAT HAVE CHILDISH ARGUMENTS", not the fact that people are young!?, I was meerly pointing out that the few times Ive seen it happen the person has turned out to be about 14 which explains the childishness.....not saying everybody does it.

My new peeve......people that dont read posts properly :p (a joke by the way...)
Peeve- the fact that people argue sooooo easily on this forum, no matter the subject. There are so many topics that u can read that end up in arguing. Give peace a chance =D

ps. i argue easily tooo.

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