On Saturday was the NWMC day out, what a tiring day for me. It is the first day out in over 12 months and was out from 8am to 8pm.
What a stock of coral and fish the shops got in for us. I could have spent a fortune (hang on I did

), what I mean, is that I could have got most of the tang for my 6ft if it was set up, the only one missing from the main list was the purple (achilles were £120

), they did not have a sohal either, but still not made my mind up on that one.
Ok, bought lots, alot of frags as I would not have had room for owt else
From Fishworld
My Flame Scallop - Some can keep them some Cannot, will give it a go, cause I am like that
My Cat Matt kept at home for me, its sulking a little as it was moved twice yesterday. Matt forgot to bring it to shop any earlier

My Blastos - a few more than I expected thanks to Matt 2 of the frags were free
My Acanthastrea I got off Ste@Fishworld, this looks better than Ste's or my piccies in real life
I also bought some Duncans, but Mr NortherMonkey aka Monkey boy forgot to put them in my box and I need to go fetch them tomorrow from his :stupid:
Chris Durkin would have had this if I had not - He had no room for it though
Black Sun Coral
I bought some flat plate rock aswell for my new towers for Mega Bommies as this is only a week and a half away now

Then I had reserved this a while ago - Pocillopora
I reserved these last week
I got a new Torch to replace the one the black crab killed
Then because Mr Durkin killed my RBTA (I pretend to have forgiven him)

I could only get green
I did rather well I think

My fish world bill was discounted more than than everyone else got as Admin on the site I moderate on gave me a vouvher to spend in there for all the hard work I have put into the site particularly the Information and care database, which now has approx 200 species.
I was also very well looked after all day, and everyone helped where stairs were concerned and access was difficult.