Just conducted the third 50% clean and a thorough gravel vac. Don't think I can be any more thorough than that without taking the plants and vacuuming where they are, but it might be too disruptive - or maybe not, but there probably has to be a line at which to draw the vacuuming. I probably still wouldn't be completely satisfied anyway, and as I've said before, I do not consider it sufficient to eliminate the problem if there are parasites - it's only a stop gap, to buy time. I'd never assume it got rid of all the parasites (except for in unique cases such as camallanus), and I'd be obsessive and alert anyway, watching the fish like an eagle for signs of further trouble.
The first 20 litres was colder than the tank water, so I decided to make the final 5 litres a bit warmer just to off-set. Only took 15-20 minutes to add the water, hope this wasn't too fast. I just had to fit the change in when I could.
I oversaw my father do the gravel vac yesterday, I don't think he was as thorough as I was on Sunday or today. He definitely wasn't, although he did vacuum the substrate and even had to restart the vacuum a number of times due to the pebbles blocking it (filling the main tube halfway!). I'm worrying about that now...
I also hope I washed my hands in cold water enough before conducting the change. I've had scented soap, anti-bacterial handwipe and alcoholic handwash on my hands today...I spent 10-15 minutes thoroughly washing them under cold water, rubbing all over them (not my wrists or my arm, they may have got dunked slightly too into the tank before I restrained myself).
The first 20 litres was colder than the tank water, so I decided to make the final 5 litres a bit warmer just to off-set. Only took 15-20 minutes to add the water, hope this wasn't too fast. I just had to fit the change in when I could.
I oversaw my father do the gravel vac yesterday, I don't think he was as thorough as I was on Sunday or today. He definitely wasn't, although he did vacuum the substrate and even had to restart the vacuum a number of times due to the pebbles blocking it (filling the main tube halfway!). I'm worrying about that now...
I also hope I washed my hands in cold water enough before conducting the change. I've had scented soap, anti-bacterial handwipe and alcoholic handwash on my hands today...I spent 10-15 minutes thoroughly washing them under cold water, rubbing all over them (not my wrists or my arm, they may have got dunked slightly too into the tank before I restrained myself).