How do you keep track of the fish you have...

I like your system, @CassCats. Ok, I'll play:


N. unifasciatus
N. eques
N. espei
N. marginatus
N. marilynae
N. anduzei
N. rubrocaudatus
N. mortenhtaleri
N. trifasciatus
N. minimus
N. beckfordi


Paracheridon axelrodi “Cardinals”
Holopristis pulcher (alias Hemigrammus) “Garnet Tetra”


Aphyosemion sp. Lobaye
Fundulopanchax filamentosus


Pethia setnai “Indigo Barb”
Pethia nigrofasciata “Black Ruby”
Pethis stoliczkana “Tic-Tac-Toe Barb”


Brevibora dorsiocellata “Emerald Eye”


Hoplisoma metae
H. oiapoquensis
H. atropersonatum
H. similis
H. deckeri


B. splendens
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Are the NANNOSTOMUS all in the same tank?

No. They're spread around in various combinations. For example, N. unifasciatus (one of 4 populations), N. eques, N. espei, N. marginatus (one of 3 populations) and N. marilynae are in my 75g. N. beckfordi and N. trifasciatus can be quite territorial (for a Nannostomus) so in their respective tanks they are the only Nannostomus present. The tinies--N. anduzei and N. minimus-- are together in a 20g... and so on.
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No. They're spread around in various combinations. For example, N. unifasciatus (one of 4 populations), N. eques, N. espei, N. marginatus (one of 3 populations) and N. marilynae are in my 75g. N. beckfordi and N. trifasciatus can be quite terriorial (for a Nannostomus) so in their respective tanks they are the only Nannostomus present. The tinies--N. anduzei and N. minimus are together in a 20g... and so on.
Sounds wonderful. While we’re on the subject of Nannostomus, I have two questions. In February I will place a trio of Apistogramma cacatuoides in my new breeding tank. 1) What species of Nannostomus do you recommend to be the dither fish? 2) Will such a species prey on the fry? Thanks.
I haven't kept Apistos for years and never used Nannostomus as dithers for them, but many do, and some have become Nannostomus-devotees as a result. Most prominently is Tom C in Europe who has a terrific Apisto/Nannostomus site:

The Nannostomus info is listed under "Lebiasinidae" in the home page sidebar. He talks about compatibility. If I recall, he especially likes N. unifasciatus for this purpose, which also happens to be my favorite species for any purpose. He and I have exchanged emails for years and shared our experiences with various species. He has collected in the Amazon many times and once asked me to join him. I said, "Tom, you've got the wrong guy. If it doesn't involve room service, it's not for me."
N. Eques is my favourite of them, they're on my bucket list for fish. I dream big 🤣

But most my tanks are higher flow, nannostomus may not be happy with that, so they're a far future thing
Well, I'm old school, as some of you know. I used to keep a notebook of current stock. But now I have many fewer species so I can just remember all 7 of them...but maybe not they're current names...Plants are more difficult, I don't even try much anymore...
... and as much as I'd like to do a small picture of each fish, for reference... I think a link to my favorite picture of each fish. will keep it cleaner, and easier to keep it to 1-2 pages per tank... my Hillstream tank is going to be the biggest challenge, and where the pictures for me will be a big help, as some are n defined, and I have no idea what they look like by name... most of the other tanks, I can see the fish in my mind, by name, but I just can't do that yet with the hillstream's... maybe if I get used to seeing the pictures with the names, I'll get there some day???

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