Show Off Your Fish


Those Bolivian's are awesome! They look very colorful & large. :good:
They are pretty well colored up and allllll male lol. They are only about an inch though. Close up picture lol. Got them at Petsmart haha
OK here we go..... for now. My camera died whilst taking these.

female and male cherry barb:

female cherry barb:


mm platy (left), marble molly (center), platy (left):

Another marble molly:

Very poor pic of my dalmation lyretail molly:

My betta:

zebra danio and black neon:

A better one of the cherry barbs:

Some of my tank(s)





Some pics of some kit I bought a while ago:


2 cherry barbs in an 8g? sorry to tell ya, but thye need a larger group and a larger tank! i have 10 in a 55g and them suckers are fast!!!
They're in my 30 gallon now they came in the 8 gallon along with 2 black neons a zebra danio and a kuhli loach :shout:
Also I believe they're fine in pairs........
Great looking fish Dieses & Man of Fish!

From my personal experience Cherry Barbs should be kept in pairs at least, with preferably 2 pairs being the minimum. I have 3 pair in my 36 gallon with one female being the "Veiltail" variety. Even though they are considered a schooling/shoaling fish they rarely ever school together. Having too many in too small of a space is probably worse than having not enough in a large aquarium. If any of that makes sense................

I like that Betta, Man of Fish!
My bristlenosed plec, also known as "the big one"

My Congo Tetra with a Platy
Love the Congo Tetra and very nice fish Man of fish and dieses Manchen :good: but i thought man of fish that you only had your 29 gallon and your 10 gallon

also welcome astroman :hi:
I've gotten more over the time now I have (also in my sig.)
29 gallon- 3 mollies, 2 platys, 2 otos, 2 cherry barbs, 7 platy fry (about to start making my finishing touches in restocking :) )
10 gallon (these are all fish I'm taking in to petco :( )- 10 platy fry, 1 long-finned zebra danio, 1 black neon tetra, 1 sunburst platy. Once they're returned this will be my hospital/ qt tank for a while. :)
5 gallon fluval chi- 1 male betta, 2 endlers
8 gallon- I recently broke this one down so I can use it as a hospital/qt/breeding tank.
Yeah we're constantly updating the 20 gallon tanks, the 36 has been fine as is for awhile now. I had to split 2 of Zach's Platys up because they were fighting & neither one was backing down. He chose to keep the Hifin instead of the Marigold Variatus, which is now in my other 20 gal tank.

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