miss bunkface
New Member
perhaps soon florida.
i hope
perhaps soon florida.
i hope
well, seeing as i'm a newbie with a big interest in cars, this is where i should place my first post
Just bought a new shape mondeo, which is so boring its unbelieveable!! But here is my old car, miss it like mad
nope, not at all.
yours actually looks very good.
lots of people around here rice out thery're focus' and they look terrible.
Toyota Hilux 4x4 four door ute,
Snap that what my hubby drives pic further up.
everyone showing off nice shiny saloon cars. I wouldn't even think of taking a picture of my car. It has no importance or status other than a means for getting from where I am to where I want to go. No matter if you drive a rolls royce, a BMW, a lotus, maserati, mini or skoda, they all do the same thing, they start and stop and get you where you want to go. On thast basis, my car is the best of the lot. It is an old 12 year old peugeot 405 turbo diesel estate with a tow bar. I can get all 8 dogs in it, or 2 washing machines, bales of straw, sacks of feed, or as last Monday, 18 large chickens, one of the dogs, and also towed the 10 foot long flatbed trailer loaded with poultry houses. Does around 55 mpg, runs on vegetable oil in summer and does what it was designed for. Perfect. Not shiny, has several dents but only cost me £500 18 months ago. When it dies, I shall get exactly the same one, or maybe go nuts and buy a peugeot 406 tubo diesel estate.
everyone showing off nice shiny saloon cars. I wouldn't even think of taking a picture of my car. It has no importance or status other than a means for getting from where I am to where I want to go. No matter if you drive a rolls royce, a BMW, a lotus, maserati, mini or skoda, they all do the same thing, they start and stop and get you where you want to go. On thast basis, my car is the best of the lot. It is an old 12 year old peugeot 405 turbo diesel estate with a tow bar. I can get all 8 dogs in it, or 2 washing machines, bales of straw, sacks of feed, or as last Monday, 18 large chickens, one of the dogs, and also towed the 10 foot long flatbed trailer loaded with poultry houses. Does around 55 mpg, runs on vegetable oil in summer and does what it was designed for. Perfect. Not shiny, has several dents but only cost me £500 18 months ago. When it dies, I shall get exactly the same one, or maybe go nuts and buy a peugeot 406 tubo diesel estate.