Few changes since last update. Removed apistos to garage tank. Going to have to move them back because I want to put my macro shrimp in the garage, so the Thomasi are going in the 240. 4 purple emperor tetras added from Spurry
and they've settled in well.
More plants. Lily bulb thing from KyleB (which I will try to ID once it's grown some) and crypts (3x retrospiralis, 2x lucens, 1x albida). Not sure what's staying where yet, some crypts will go upstairs.
Small rescape and planting these plants (they're just dumped in at the moment) will be done on Monday, plus I will add a plant list of what I'm considering adding. Man-wife got a tax refund a couple of day ago, plus there's birthday presents to take into account...
Provisional plant list is:
Hygro corymbosa or cherry leaf
Crinum of some kind (specimen plant, is that the right phrase? I can't remember!)
Some kind of grass, Blyxa or Potamageton gayi perhaps
One of the clover sp
After that I'm not sure. Might try to carpet some hairgrass...
Thoughts welcome. I'm keen to have at least 1 grassy type plant in there.