Planted Juwel Rio 180

So, blue tetras:



Sorry it's blurry, they're really fast! Even harder to photograph than the silvertips!

And the newest additions: Lilo and Stitch (eldest named them :D)



also, if you've ever wondered what the inside of a larger shrimp looks like after it's eaten a stray cherry shrimp... here's your answer (the one on the left, compared to the one on the right :blink:)

And Rory, cuz he was there:
blue tetras come in blue water! Awesome!
Hope you're pleased with lilo and stitch. :) I'm sure they will be very happy with their new home!
I am, thank-you :nod: :friends: :*

Wondering if I could eventually put a pair of keyholes in there too...? :rolleyes: lol.
Amy has some serious fin nippage going on... it was slight yesterday, today it's worse. Fins are clamped, and Rory, while not nipped, is also not looking happy. Don't want to have to set up another tank, but every time the Thomasi appear the apistos swim away with fins clamped... I'm not sure if they can coexist :/
Few changes since last update. Removed apistos to garage tank. Going to have to move them back because I want to put my macro shrimp in the garage, so the Thomasi are going in the 240. 4 purple emperor tetras added from Spurry :good: and they've settled in well.

More plants. Lily bulb thing from KyleB (which I will try to ID once it's grown some) and crypts (3x retrospiralis, 2x lucens, 1x albida). Not sure what's staying where yet, some crypts will go upstairs.

Small rescape and planting these plants (they're just dumped in at the moment) will be done on Monday, plus I will add a plant list of what I'm considering adding. Man-wife got a tax refund a couple of day ago, plus there's birthday presents to take into account...:D

Provisional plant list is:
Hygro corymbosa or cherry leaf
Crinum of some kind (specimen plant, is that the right phrase? I can't remember!)
Some kind of grass, Blyxa or Potamageton gayi perhaps
One of the clover sp

After that I'm not sure. Might try to carpet some hairgrass...

Thoughts welcome. I'm keen to have at least 1 grassy type plant in there.
I believe there is some hairgrass in the classifieds?

Fish stocking sounds much better too... Jammy git!
Forgot to add... have had my niggling suspicions confirmed that the female apisto is actually a male lol. Not sure what that means in terms of tank setup...may have to rehome one and get females for the other.

Hairgrass is only a maybe. And not soon.
sounds good, and i would recommend the Blyxa, i have used it before, and it can get bigger than the hairgrass, and can't be trimmed like hairgrass. So thats a disadvantage if using it as a carpet. Crinums are nice plants, when you say specimen plants, do you mean a single plant that stands out from the others? If so, i would look into certain species of Aponogetons. Clover?? do you mean Hydrocotyle? or Marsellia?
One of the four-leaved varieties of clover. And I was thinking something grassy towards the back, and then carpet towards the front. And yes a single plant standing out, I was looking at one of the larger crinums, with the crinkly leaves. Perhaps I should draw a picture :lol:
do you mean Marsilea hirsuta??

this actually comes as quite a tall plant (emersed), then you have to trim it right down and it will carpet. I have some growing emersed at the moment i will get a pic up for you.

The rest sounds good!

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