Planted Juwel Rio 180

Yes and no.

I'm having a bit of a moment. I'm utterly fed up with this. After losing over half of the fish, plus losing motivation with the scape, I'm at a crossroads as it were.

I'd like to try iwagumi but quite frankly I can't afford it (many reasons unrelated to fish). I'm considering selling this tank, concentrating on the others, doing iwagumi later with a different tank.
Sad to hear that caz. :( I know how you feel though, I was in the same situation a few months back as you know. :friends:
yeah it's a pain in the bum but I just can't justify spending loads of money on it... especially when I also need to upgrade the 240 to something bigger, and sooner rather than later...

I shall put iwagumi on the list for after the biotope comes to an end, whenever that may be.
FTS. Still deciding what to do with the right side, at the moment it has staurogyne that Steveo sent me... this is in need of some serious TLC so it's spread out quite a bit. Am hoping it perks up. I also swapped the inlet and outlet when I changed filters: outlet is now on the left.

its a great scape. sorry to hear its closing down.

whats the tall plant in the middle? (almost reaching the surface?)
Hygrophila angustifolia :good: gorgeous plant when in large clumps and allowed to grow tall like that :nod:
This is exactly how I feel about my ADA. Keep
It or make it another SW.

Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be great.
Well, plants are gone, fish are going to lfs on Sat, shrimp are going to my friend Sam's to live with her betta, mts will be going to minnnt to feed his puffers. Tank will go on sale once all the stuff has gone. Feel sad :sad:
I needed to pull my finger out... I can't upgrade the other tank until I get rid of this one. 1 I need the funds and 2 I need the space where this one is. If I hadn't I'd have procrastinated for ages and blah blah.. :no:
Well fingers crossed for the new tank then. I have a similar issue with my 4ft one. I could really do with selling it before i get the 5ft... But the fish would be pretty cold in the 6 weeks it takes for a new one to come :lol: At least it's being broken down for a good reason though. :good:

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