Planted Juwel Rio 180

3 Tropica pots of hairgrass at P@H=£10.
unless thats too much (hairgrass not £)
Mine hardly ever have the Tropica pots in. They have the labels for them, just hardly ever the actual plants :(

Can't look at more plants for a while yet though. The agreement we came to, for the new filter and plec I'm getting on Sunday, plus the other bits I've got, was that he got a new exhaust system for Abigail:

So no new stuff for me for some time! :rolleyes:
Yes Cazzie, but your getting my filter and my plec! So that aught to be good enough :) I'm going to have fun getting him out of the tank aswell (not) I'll take this oppertunity to state all is still 'green to go' for our meet tommorow :)

EDIT: Abigail is without doubt the single greatest name for a bike i've ever heard. Brilliant!
All the bikes have had names :rolleyes:

And yes, Mr Handsome and the filter are the reason he's getting a new exhaust...that and Hollywoo1992 has just given me another fish tank LOL!
Well, in light of the upcoming winter, the filter and plec have cost me a pair of heated grips for Abigail :rolleyes:

In the meantime, I'm getting a bit of diatoms (which I expected - new tank etc), and newest additions are Rory and Amy - pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides from Hanny, and some Neocaridina heteropoda from leviethan. :good:
also I had to remove the cherry shrimp as they were getting hunted amd eaten alive by Rory and Amy :(
Tell you what... You post me 20 cherry shrimp and i will post you some Anomalochromis Thomasi?! :D

I'd agree, except I never see him lol. Obviously not found the right food yet!

And i believe that was the reason James flogged him... :lol:
I've just found and bought 20 Blue tetras! :hyper: :hyper: I'd lost hope of finding them at a reasonable price! Black neons are now for sale or swap for some skunk cories in the classifieds.

Slowly moving the harlequins out, as and when I catch them.

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