Planted Juwel Rio 180

They are pretty much full grown... one of the garden centres near me sells amanos for £4.99 each :eek: I thought £2.50 was about right for them... how much are they by you?
Welcome :)

Blue tetras appear to have settled in well. Very well matched to the energy levels of the silvertips, and very pretty - like irridescent quicksilver :wub: :drool: I'm actually almost wishing I'd taken the silvertips back too and got 40 blues. On the other hand they compliment each other very well so...

I've also added 3 blue apple snails, each about 1.5cm across. Hoping they're big enough not to get attacked by Rory and Amy. If not I will temporarily house them in the biotope until they're bigger, then re-add them.

Didn't take pics last night cuz it was their first night, will take some tonight instead :nod:
I can imagine they compliment each other very well! I love silvertips, really effective and under rated. I can imagine the silvertips and blues would go very well with rosy tetra's. :) I like contrasting colours together.
If I'd kept them in the other tank I was edging towards something like that for the third shoal. I was thinking cherry barbs, but having seen the energy of these I think that would've needed rethinking. But I don't think I could fit another shoal in here.
Yeah less is more. I want to add more harlequins, but I think 10 is enough for me. Don't want them to feel too safe. Lol.
looking really nice CC. All the plants are a very vibrant shade of green.
Looking nice cazzie. I am liking the wood on the left with the moss on the point :)

I am, but can't for the moment. Not after buying the blue tetras and denisoni barbs... plus I want plants next I think, rather than fish. A plant revamp is on the cards, but not until after my exam. Revision is my priority at this stage... (or would be if the procrastination monster wasn't my best friend at the moment! :lol:)
I haven't forgot the plants Caz, they are all sat in the garden in a bucket. I shall get them off to you on Monday. :good:

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