Nothing much going on here, just really need to prune... AGAIN.

It's a wild macro fest in there and even the sea grasses are starting to perk up.
The first MH was a bust, the ballast didn't work, but the seller is super nice and is refunding my money. Afterwards, I see another hobbyist about yet another MH, so I haven't given up my MH dreams for this tank.
Jawfish hides more, since he lost his mate, I really make sure I drop food into his cave, as the chalk bass are extremely fast and extremely greedy. Any fish I pick next has to be on the aggressive end, that's for sure. It's a pack of four chalk bass who all happen to get along, when they're together, I don't think much can stand in their way.
The only addition has been a small Caribbean brittle star that John Maloney at Reefcleaners found on a diving trip and thought I'd like.

I'll try to get a picture, but it's very reclusive.