Pearls Of The Antilles... Llj's Planted Marine

Flame Angels are awesome! Any other small Angels that you like? I also like the Red Stripe and The Keyhole Angel. Same as the Flame, according to live aquaria, both are reef compatible with caution. What wrasse catches your eye?
Flame Angels are awesome! Any other small Angels that you like? I also like the Red Stripe and The Keyhole Angel. Same as the Flame, according to live aquaria, both are reef compatible with caution. What wrasse catches your eye?

I like the 6 line, but there are other similar wrasses that I like as well. I have the sandbed, so I can support a wrasse. It'd probably be one of the last things I add to the tank.

The angelfish selections are very nice. I'd love to just have a colorful, fun, relatively low-maintenance reef. Which is why I'm sort of shying away from a planted marine right now. The tank was lovely, just I really had to prune once a week, & honestly, it was a pain at times.
It's time to say goodbye to Pearls of the Antilles. The tank is making a recovery, but I don't plan on pursuing a biotope at this time.

This was my first marine journal and I learned a lot from this system.

Some parting pictures and videos.



Rock anemones


Calgrainian mushroom


A member of the wolf pack


I see you! Awesome jawfish!






Awesome video of mated jawfish pair eating.

Parting fts


Like I said, I loved this tank. Will I revisit a Caribbean biotope again? You betcha, just not right now. This is a system I'd love to repeat on a grander scale, say about 120 gallons of shallow tank with a school of chalk bass, reef chromis and a small colony of jawfish.

OMG! Im devastated for you. I know that feeling, it was a great tank.
Bye bye biotope... :byebye:

Awwww thanks, I liked having a biotope, but I also have to think about making this tank very low-maintenance for my family. Low-maintenance does not include regularly pruning macro. Low-maintenance is a lightly stocked, fun reef with lots of movement and stupid easy corals. Showy stuff that doesn't require a lot of fancy feeding.

Loved it. It will be great once again.


Of course it will. It's me... :D

Hi Lis, just read through this as I've not been active for a while, sorry to hear about the problems you've been having, but we're all looking forward to your next salty venture!
Hi Lis, just read through this as I've not been active for a while, sorry to hear about the problems you've been having, but we're all looking forward to your next salty venture!

This problem came out of nowhere. Otherwise the reef was in great shape. Sometimes this happens with macro algae. It's made me change the type of powerheads I use.

I've abandoned Koralias for Aqueons. I want to see how they perform. So far, I'm impressed.

I am interested in how they peform. Imhad the option of Aqeon but i got Koralia cause i didnt know about Aqeons.

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