Pearls Of The Antilles... Llj's Planted Marine

Great! Thanks! At our club meeting last Wednesday we had a speaker about setting up marine tanks and breeding clownfish (the guy is from Montreal and has bred thousands of clownfish). According to some other members they are able to leave their tank on their own for 3 weeks without problems; there is hope for me! :good:
Great! Thanks! At our club meeting last Wednesday we had a speaker about setting up marine tanks and breeding clownfish (the guy is from Montreal and has bred thousands of clownfish). According to some other members they are able to leave their tank on their own for 3 weeks without problems; there is hope for me! :good:

A lot of it depends on the size of the tank, but I've got an Australian friend who's gone on vacation and came back to healthy picos and his are tiny, like 3g or less. If you go a wee big bigger, it becomes much more stable.

WHOA, That is a cool one!


Oh it gets better...

First, some new stuff. A green Caribbean paly


A St. Thomas mushroom


I got more stuff too but I need to get an id on it first before I show it here.

WHOA, That is a cool one!


Oh it gets better...

First, some new stuff. A green Caribbean paly


A St. Thomas mushroom


I got more stuff too but I need to get an id on it first before I show it here.


oh wow just read the last weeks progress on this and its just inspiring! ... need to get me bournemans book of corals
teach me the ways of beautiful corals
oh wow just read the last weeks progress on this and its just inspiring! ... need to get me bournemans book of corals
teach me the ways of beautiful corals

Borneman's book has been invaluable. I highly recommend it.

Can't wait to show the latest additions. They are in a small 4g holding tank right now. I need to attach them to rock, but with my cat's UTI, I don't have the time this morning. I'm just here to kill time until I can call my vet to schedule an appointment. :(

Llj, are you dosing anything for the grasses? Mine are coming in this week!

PS: Tank looks great!

Thanks, Nemo. No, I'm not, but this tank is heavily fed with regard to food. But I don't dose nitrates.

Hope the cat is ok?

Don't think this means you can get out of putting those pictures up!

Cat is home and safe. Has to be on antibiotics, but I caught it faster this time.

I gotta do some work on this tank. I've got a bunch of loose rics that need attaching and a very special corallimorph. As soon as I attach them, I'll post pictures. I also need to split rics, my goodness they grow like wildfire in this tank!

You can split em and send some my way =).

Happy second day of SPRING by the way. I just got my veggie garden started.

You can split em and send some my way =).

Happy second day of SPRING by the way. I just got my veggie garden started.


Well, I like sharing and ricordeas actually ship quite well, so...

As for spring, it's been very nice all Winter in South Florida, so I don't really notice Spring.

I have a friend I play online games with that lives in Florida. He owns like 5 acres along the ocean. Pretty sure he's rich lol.

I'd be interested in having a few of the ricordea if you are open to the idea. I will even pay the shipping. Let me know how we'd need to do it.

How it works is that I give an insane deal per head. And then you pay for shipping. I'll let you know as soon as I have stuff available. :) Or we can swap for something that you can get there, but I can't get where I am.

I bet you can get pretty much anything out there lol. You live in the mecca of ocean life! Name something you might be interested, and we will see what we can find. Otherwise ill just buy em off ya.


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