Operation Marine 2.........now 3

There aren't any because the women were too busy sat on their backsides, with a cup of tea, nattering!!!

ughhhhh, bet they had gone out because they couldn't bare to watch the mayhem that you men manage to create over the smallest of jobs :rolleyes:

Seffie x
Great the tank is moved - and where are the pictures of two men struggling with a five foot tank :rolleyes:

Bit, fingers crossed for the regal :sad:

Seffie x

Great the tank is moved - and where are the pictures of two men struggling with a five foot tank :rolleyes:

Bit, fingers crossed for the regal :sad:

Seffie x

There aren't any because the women were too busy sat on their backsides, with a cup of tea, nattering!!!

not two men just me and the wife! Moving a drained tank,apart from couple inch of water to keep snails buried in sand alive, and cabinet in one out of front room into dining room. Took about 30mins to mce it as I didn't want to disturb the sand causing any parameter spikes. We succeeded in moving it with only
moving the top few mm if sand so hopefully all will be ok there.

Got couple pics of the tubs holding rock and fish.

Adding known weights together

tank= 85kg dry
cabinet = 35kg
sand = 20kg
remaining water = 25-35L so 25-35kg

so total of 145-155kgs just the two of us lol.

Arms aching like hell. Got water going to top up with salted water as lost around 25l that ididnt pump
bk in or pour bk in as it was contaminated with waste and debris from rocks and fish. Will also get another load on to carry out water changes every other day or so this comic week.
What happend to the boss then, thought he was going to help!! Oh no, hang on, she did help :hey:

See told you AK, we can't trust you lot - she decided to stay in and do it herself :p

Seffie x
Her idea to have a new carpet before the upgrade tank comes so yeh she was helpig!!

Luckily we could drag the whole lot on the cabinets plastic feet across the old laminate which is going anyway tithe edge of the carpet in hallway them it was lift move a but down for the next 20mins lol. Sods law the laminate didn't have a scratch on it, we thought was gonna get ruined but it didn't matter as said it's all up now anyway ready for te tip. But if we wanted to keep it it wouldve been ruined lol.

Took the chance to rescape a bit too. Have a large bommie but setup that the fish can swim through the center of it, imaging lookin from above it has a Y channel at the base of it and then rocks piles on top ofte base rocks to cover it and form the bommie, will see how the fish like it in a few days.

Foud some huge aiptasia hiding under rocks at the back so have moved those forwards and made them visible so I can attack them with aiptasia x in a week r so.
Well a bit of songstnso good news, our regal us out and about and was eating this morning with no sign o the dreaded White spot as yet. Yellow tang was a touch pale but has coloured up to it's usual vibrant yellow.
The suspected burn is also gone!? I am now thinking it was a sign of stress was a patch of White down It's right flank but has completely gone
after all the effort to not disturb the sand bed in the tank so as not to release any nasty stuff from it like trapped detritus and nitrates etc i came home from work this morning to find my SEIO powerhead had become unstuck from the side and pointing straight down to the sand :grr: :grr: so that plan completely destroyed. am off to bed but will do some parameter tests and see what the situation is when i wake up.

on a good note the fish seem to love the swim through bommie see the yellow tang sleeping in there when i got home.
took a quick video of the tank, excuse the front glass, a touch of cyno still on it, i had just got in from work and fed them before lights out. Not had time to clean tank up but thought not posted a video on here for this tank yet.

took a quick video of the tank, excuse the front glass, a touch of cyno still on it, i had just got in from work and fed them before lights out. Not had time to clean tank up but thought not posted a video on here for this tank yet.


Very nice mate! Do you have a conch? If not, get one. It'll clean up that sandbed and glass a treat!
no i dont, trying not to buy any livestock at the minute. Upgrade to be ordered in a week or 2 and it aint cheap!

Having issues with aiptasia not quite got rid of them all yet. :crazy:
Not much to update other than having to reinforce the cabinet. since the move i noticed that top of the cabinet in the center had bowed downwards, i could see under the tank itself!!

Got some wood and put some posts in. to hold it until the new tank arrives
only talking 5mm or so but didnt wanna risk it, mustve happened when moved cos it was fine before, maybe some water got on it or something.

Luckily its a floating bas on the Juwel tanks otherwise couldve been messy!
Well not been on for a while, front room has been decorated but unfortunately new tank is again on hold as work have decided to close my wife and i's plant down an move it up north to our finishig plant. However there has been progress on the current system.....albeit small progress.

Some may know I had an aiptasia issue that wouldn't go away and I saw a beaten up copperband in lfs I thoguht what the ecl I'll take it and see if it will eat my aips if not I will nurse bk to health and move it on. Low and behold after a week of being annoyed by my yellow tang everything settled and ALL my aiptasia is gone!!! And the bonus is he is the firstfiah to the frozen cube of food in the tank morning and night!! :) is lookin really healthy all finage is grown back beautifully.

Next up is a pump for my APF600 to see if it still works and then to get some more live rock to boost the system before I lose my job. And that will be how it stays for a while.

Oh I had a Cyno issue too but aggressive rowaphos usage and shorter lighting period has slowly cleared that up over a few weeks.

My regal tang is growing nicely and my mandarin is happyily moochin around eating flake, frozen or pods etc.

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