Operation Marine 2.........now 3

it's funny just how much fun can be gained from emptying and cleaning a tank :lol: I was just the same :fun:

And boy that tank has come up like new - great job B-)

Seffie x
On 2 hrs sleep I don think I did too bad lol. Back is painted and new tubes are in the light unit also. Really only needs water salt and a heater then transfr can begin.......he says only lol
Tank is wet! Nowhere near full lol but fillig has started. Unfortunately where irbid means ro tube cannot go straight in so have to fill jerry can and tip.

Went to lfs for some ro, to help speed up filling their quality isn't the best sometimes but no option as current tank has to go this weekend. And they didn't have any!! Their RO vat was empty takes them 2 hrs ro fill it enough to start selling so rushed back home and on went my ro unit.

Tested the tds with a pen tds reader, I will get an online one soon tap water was 492ppm and it's 0 on output :D
i'll get one tomorrow, had to cheat a bit and buy some RO today to get tank to a level that allows me to salt it and transfer Rock/Livestock over in a day or so and then fill with tank water from old system.

Now salted and heating up, my repaired Koralia 4 didnt stay repaired for long, and the shaft has now snapped so using a seio lump of a power head in there at the minute.
Tank is running!

Did the move yesterday at 630 am after work, took 3 hrs in total but everything doing well. Didn't seey firefish during the move though no idea where it is no sign of it but did see it couple days ago.

Will get some pics tomorrow for you all, the fish look a little lost in the vastness of the rio 400 lol
Ok so pics will be posted tomorrow of current aquascape, I do use that term loosely lol..... More like dumped and left. And then I will do a decent scape and push the sand down the rock end of the tank. Aiming for a rocky,cave end and a sandy open Ish area on the other side.

Suggestions for more stocking please? Yellow tang will be going in for sure but not a regal finally convinced wife that's not a good idea.
I fancy some Anthias :)
What volume is this tank exactly? Didn't see it listed anywhere.

Yellow tangs can be temperamental sometimes, if you plan on having other tangs as well, I'd add them first.
tank is 400L

Here are some pics of before and after scaping.

Before, dumped in



and after a touch of scaping leaving pass throughs and little caves


this ones out of focus a touch, was using Iphone which isnt the best camera

Nope never happy, got my koralia 3,4 and a seio 6000lph powerheads in there as my other koralia 4 broke after I fixed it lol. Just need a impellir and ceramic shaft though then the seio will come out.

Got a video too that I'll upload later. And some more salted water mixing to top the tanknoff tonits final level.

Plumbed the deltec phos reactor in too yesterday so running phos pretty much from start should help keep it non existant or below 0.003
Cleared out the old tank today so mate could take it and found something interesting!

Thought I had got all living Nass and cerith snails when emptied it but I was wrong. I ha left a couple inches of water in the tank not heated remember and 2 days with no heat whilst emptying the sane I found 3 cerith snails and a couple Nass snails! I was suprised as they had no heat for 2 days water was freezing. Un ceremoniously dumped them in the jig tank and they're doing well all moved away and burrowed down in their new sand.
Same thing happened to me, no heat nor powerhead, then after a week went to clear it out and bingo, ceriths, Nass and some asterina

Seffie x
just done a complete test of water params

PH 8-8.2 touch low
Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Nitrate 25-50 - think LFS RO has killed me on this as my water is 0 Nitrate from my RO unit but will be testing my next salt water batch to make sure before informing LFS
PO4 - 0.003

Have noticed a major change in behaviour an all fish, they are much more active in this large tank. and my Zoas are really coming along nicely all are open and new ones are growing rapidly

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