New tank...


I sometimes need to speed-sure silicone at work, and there is only one way to accelerate it.


Depending on the other tank in the room I would be tempted to increase the temp to as high as you feel reasonable in that room. Needs to be 25 degrees really to go for it.

I know its not the one, but to cure faster, thats the only way.

cheers, I think i have a plan now.

I'll leave a powerful bulb hanging in the weir for a couple of hours, as i really need to get it filled tonight.

wish i could of thought of that this morning!!
One word:

It should go without saying when applying heat to glass that you need to be very very careful about overdoing it, as excessive or sudden heat changes could crack the glass.

I showed the pictures to Cookie (I really did!) and he seemed very excited!... although it might have had something to do with the prawn defrosting in a cup next to the screen....
went and check on it a while back and got up to 40 celcuis and the silicon seemed nice and hard, since then i put some polysterene betwqeen bulb and glass to concentrate the light/heat and protect the glass a tad, I'ved left the window open aswell.

lol i need a new picture of cookie to print out ands stick on the tank to get me used to it :lol: I hope he enjoyed the prawn! I'm considering taking home one of the 8 large commons and sailfin plecs we have at work at the moment......mmmmm free fish!

i'm really loving puffers at the moment, we got 4 dwarf puffers in at work and there so cute, came in with whitespot(bloody supplier!) but have recovered well and fattening them up now, must............resist............urges............for.............DP'ss!!

Got a couple of large bits of wood in it now, might put a few large rocks in aswell.

oh and 100uk gallons, 125US about 20gals for the sump.
Ah Paul, you do know that now you've mentioned DPs I will never rest until you have some? :D :p

big mistake there mate, never reveal your weaknesses! ;)

I'm sure cookie will be happy! And I'm sure Paul really does need that picture (hint hint, Sir or LadyM)
lol, i can resist....

on another note....noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
filled it up got it running then had to stop as there was a leakin the inlet plumbing :-( so my fingers are black with adheseal after spreading it everywhere where the water was coming from :no:

fingers crossed for tomorrow morning now, it's a fast curing stuff.
bummer... thats a very big tank for only one fishy !!! how big do fahakas get? like 13 inches?
cichlid said:
bummer... thats a very big tank for only one fishy !!! how big do fahakas get? like 13 inches?
More like 15 to 18 and they grow fast!
Ours went from two to twelve inches in seven months!
never, i'm sticking with 1 big puffer and thats it!!

started up the tank when i got back from college and no leaks :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana:

i'll get some pictures of it full in a bit.
WILL RESIST :sly: :p


Looking great Paul, and you won't! :p

I love the bogwood! Although I am wondering why SirM hasn't taken the hint yet...maybe I should start spelling it out...

Picture of Cookie....NOW!!!!

:p :D
i like that a lot paul!! lovin the wood! how much did u pay for the tank if you don;t mind me asking?

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