New tank...

guppy_man said:
show the tank anyway i cant wait to see. :D
the guys lost in London so isn't going to deliver until Wednesday afternoon now :-( :-( :-( :-(

...Paul was referring to the tank there, so how can he show pics of the tank if it's not going to be delivered until tomorrow afternoon? :whistle:

Unless, of course, he has a clairvoyant camera..
Well arnt we little miss smarty pants...

Bummer about the tank paul! But im itchin to see 'cookie'. That is the cutest name...hehehe... :wub:
mr_miagi32 said:
Well arnt we little miss smarty pants...
Aww, you know me too well! :wub:

..Don't take my earlier sarcasm too seriously.. I'm not exactly in a proper mental state at the moment to be too serious, and sarcasm/joking is helping me deal with things.
Just... unless I know you, don't ask.

Anyway, Paul! I am excited to see this tank when it finally gets delivered!
yeh is so annoying!!

i even skipped college yesterday to go out and get a couple of bits for it.

btw thanks litlefishie...couldn't be bothered to so a sarcy reply last night!- job done :thumbs:

I should beable to find some solvent glue for my plumbing by then, apparently you have to be over 18 to buy it :rolleyes:
nah i'm not bothered like that, i want to use them again in the future so want to finish on good terms!

having a day off college is no bad thing, i got to stay in bed until 10-30.

it was a good excuse. I finish at 11 on wednesday anyways so no skin off my nose and i couldnt of got it set up with the glue so all kind of works out, i wouldn't of been able to fill it until i got the glue on wednesday.

it just means you don't get pictures as fast!!

Oh well!!
Paul_MTS said:
i even skipped college yesterday to go out and get a couple of bits for it.

btw thanks litlefishie...couldn't be bothered to so a sarcy reply last night!- job done :thumbs:
Skipping college is no major deal as long as you get lecture notes off of someone.
Trust me. ;)
I had a class twice a week from January to last week, and only made it 5 times because it was at 8am. Lecture notes and text readings = 85% on my essay/term paper! :nod:

And no prob for the reply.. I was in my own world and didn't really care about what I said at the moment so I felt bad after, but since it's welcome... :shifty: :lol:
8am....thats evil to have a leason start then!!

at this time in the course it's mainly about getting assignments done, and the teacher i did have actual teaching from puts all leasons on public folders as she does it all on powerpoint :zz

less than a day until i should have the tank now!!
ok i hope you got a tub as your going to p*** your self laughing!!

this is how the story goes...

the guy arrives and say hello, how was the drive etc..
we lift it all inside whilst mother is making him a nice coffee....
we all watch my other tank for a while chatting...
sign the paper work say spanks very much and bye..
i go back inside and try my bulk head fitting in the hole and no fit :crazy: ..
so run back outside as he's still there..
after a few calls I'ved got 30 quid off to change my plumbing to fit the wrong hole..
say bye again..
then he comes round the back where i was speaking to mum and says i got the wrong tank..

turns out my tank was sitting on the shop floor, it was the same size 4x2x2 drilled for sump etc etc but 10mm too small hole. So my real tank is coming along on saturday and i still have 30 quid off the price.

other than that the sump is exactly how i asked it to be built the cabinet is well built and looks good for what i paid!!

If you feel special enough I'll post some nice pictures of the stand and sump!!
ok enjoy...





thats all for now folks....

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