Nano Tank Diary...

Congrats on the arrival! :kana:

Now that you have gotten rid of the hair algea I would love to see some more photos of the tank!
OK, I'll see what I can do :)

I think my lights may be TOO bright - my brown polyps are pretty faded and my coraline algae, while still there, is pretty faded as well. The parts of the rocks that are more shaded have the darker brown polyps and the darker coraline algae.....
Thanks, it's good to be back! B)!

Whole tank...


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New star polyps...


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New Ricordea...


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Mushrooms - my one mushroom is now 6! The large one on the left is the original and started out on the black/grey shell at the top of the rock :lol:


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parker313 said:
My new lighting from Aquatraders came today. I am *very* happy. I upgraded from barely better than standard fluorescent to 110 total watts - 50w daylight and 50w actinic. I can see things on my rocks I've never seen before. It's great. I've taken pictures and will get them up here later.

Oh, and you should see how the colors on my firefish have really popped :thumbs:
Parker, sorry to unearth a dead thread, sorry to call it dead if its not. But, you said that you for 50W daylight and 50W actinic. Was this the free bulb they sent you with the light or did you have to order it separately?
Alright, I'm back again :D Life has settled down considerably (my little guy is 4 months old now) and I wanted to resurrect my diary :)

Sean, Sorry to take so long to answer you back, but the bulbs in my light are the ones that came included in the purchase price.

I just saw the picture I took of my star polyps and wow, I didn't realize how big they'd gotten! It's grown considerably and my 6 mushrooms are now closer to 13 or so.

I was VERY negligent of my poor tanks after Mason was born and have had some casualties in my FW tank but amazingly, I didn't lose a single thing in my SW nano tank. I did have a resurgence of that darn hair algae but it's much better now. All 3 of my fish are doing really well.

My 2.5 yr old has named the fish in the nano...
Clownfish - Nemo - Whaddya expect, he's only 2.5 :p
Firefish - Dory - Don't ask me, I know it doesn't look anything like a blue tang!
Clown Goby - Jake - again, don't ask me, I have no idea where he came up with it!

So, that's all the news from here, I'll try and get a new whole tank shot later when the lights come on and it's darker out.

Oh dear, I shouldn't have read this topic.
I've just placed my empty 10G where I think it'd look 'nice' as a SW system.
I saw the live rock in petco today, and that might've sparked alittle intrest in me.
I was wondering -
Could I have a Orange Sea Star and 2 ocellious clowns in a 10G with 5-6 pounds of live rock?
I have soo many questions right now, but I'm going to hold them back ;)
Kristin..may I be the first one to welcome you back after your 'conspicuous' absence. Breeze by my thread and look what you did to me. LOLOLOL. I should have never read your thread last winter. Welcome home. SH
Could I have a Orange Sea Star and 2 ocellious clowns in a 10G with 5-6 pounds of live rock?
I have soo many questions right now, but I'm going to hold them back ;)
I don't know about the Orange Sea Star, but my guess is no - most stars get pretty big for a 10g tank... Definitely get another opinion on that though, I'm just talking outta my ear on that one.

For a 10g tank, you want *at least* 10 lbs of live rock, 15 is better. The more LR you have, the more stable your system will be. Yes, 2 Ocellaris (or even True Percula) Clowns will be fine in a 10g.

Hi SH! Good to see you again!! I'll go check out your thread as soon as I get the kiddos down for their naps :)

Hi Riley, I'm glad this diary has helped you out too :thumbs:

I think posting here jinxes me :lol: After I posted here yesterday, I noticed that my lights never came on in my tank... I have NO idea why, everything is plugged in. Oh well. I'd been contemplating going back to the lower wattage lights anyway, I mentioned in here way back in July that I thought my current lights were too bright.

I can't believe I started this whole adventure more than a year ago!
your diary inspired me too. i have already got my tank, heater, hood/basic lighting, hydrometer, salt, and themometer. now i just need a test kit, a powerhead, a backgorund, 10lbs of live argonite sand, and 13 lbs of live rock. then ill be ready for my cleaning crew in a few weeks if all goes well. my tank is also a 10 gal. im planning on getting a firefiesh and a black and white perc if they are compatible. if not then ill just get a black and white perc. eventually ill go to soft corals, but first i will have to upgrade lighting as its only 15 watts right now.
That's so cool!

I believe the b/w perc is just a color variation of the orange/white so it should be just fine with the firefish.

Oh, I didn't say earlier, but my hair algae came back. I was such a slacker for the first couple of months after Mason was born that I'm horribly embarassed by how long I went in between routine tank changes :*) I am SO lucky that my tank didn't crash and burn on me, I think I broke every rule in the book :*)

That's one of the reasons I wanted to come back here and resurrect my journal, it kept me honest with my tank maintenance. :nod: I've got the phosphate remover mixed by my lfs that worked so well last time back in there again and am resolved to stay on top of things. In my FW tank, I lost my beautiful red gold severum and then a geophagus and have no one to blame but myself :X

I got the lights on the SW tank switched out today and I miss the actinic lights. This one is just a plain ol' amped up flourescent light. I forget how many watts (need to go back and re-read this journal, I know it's in here somewhere) but my corals are all soft corals that don't need anything stronger than what I've got.

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