Nano Tank Diary...

wow thats really cool. I hope mine turns out as awsome as yours and SH's. BTW what skimmer are you using? how much did it cost?
Thanks! SH's has far surpassed mine!!! His is just gorgeous, isn't it?!

I am running a Miniflotor and got it off ebay, for I think $25-$30..... It's rated to skim up to 50gals and it really does a good job. The only downside to it is that it takes up so much room in the tank and my hood has to sit on crooked b/c the skimmer tube is so wide. If it's what's kept my tank healthy though, it's well worth it.

They also have the miniflotor at liveaquaria if you're interested.

ETA - The miniflotor is actually on their supplies site... Here's the link: Miniflotor
Yeah, it's much less expensive than any other skimmer I could find, short of a DIY project that I just didn't have the time for. I was a bit concerned whether or not it would work, but it collects a good amount of skimmate and as I said, I do think it's a good part of my success so far, especially when I've gotten behind on my water changes...

The blue mushroom finally looks to be settling in nicely, I think this was a good choice for a spot for it. Fingers crossed...
Good news, the blue mushroom seems to be doing really well in its new spot. The mouth is closed up more and the whole mushroom has started to spread out and isn't curled in its tight little ball anymore. I really can't believe how much it's been through and is hangin' in there....

The purple corky gorgonian is just gorgeous.
Just got done re-aquascaping. I wanted to move some of my corals around, especially to turn my blue mushroom to the front now that it's all settled in. Some of the corky gorgonian separated from the rest (it's an encrusting foot that was attached to little gravel pieces, so it separated easily) so I've got one big bit of that and another little bit. I moved some of the zoas around as well.

I'll take another look when everything opens tomorrow and see if I like it...

I also cleaned out almost all of the little remaining hair algae. :thumbs:
I ended up liking where everything ended up in my aquascaping project :thumbs:

I have had a couple of snail casualties though. I lost a margarita snail that got stuck in between the mag-float and the top of the tank, wedged in, I guess. The water level dropped just a little and I didn't notice it up there soon enough. When I moved the mag-float, the snail fell. I didn't realize at the time how long it had been there so I left it to see if it would be OK. Well, it wasn't so my hermits have had a real feast. I guess one of my 2 remaining (of 3) nassarius snails got a little too close b/c just this afternoon I noticed the red-leg hermit that had already claimed the other/deceased nassarius shell was busy "emptying" this one too. Morbid, but absolutely fascinating. When it had the shell mostly empty, I got to watch it pop out of the shell it was in and into the other one. It slipped in and then disappeared popping in and out, "tossing out" the remainder of the snail as it cleaned the shell out. The shell as of right now is kinda trapped under the shell he just abandoned, so I'll have to check back on him in a bit and see if he needs help getting out - they never have before though...

My firefish is acting funny. It's not been eating quite as well as normal and is looking a little "droopy". It's swimming fine though and is eating and then will suddenly be swimming around all perked up. I'll just have to keep an eye on it.

The frag of purple corky gorgonian that I got is doing excellent. Its encrusting foot is already growing off the rubble it was attached to and is extending out and attaching to the rock that it's perched on.

The blue mushroom really should win some sort of hardiness award, it's fully attached to the rock and is in great shape.

My little clownfish has had no further "episodes" like the one a few weeks ago, but does act a little weird (weirder than normal even) any time I feed cyclopeze, so I've been taking it easy with that stuff.

I just found out one of my friends here is also a "fish person" and has been wanting to do a nano tank but the lfs (there's really only one here in town) has been talking her out of it. When she found out I had one and have been successful, she's thinking more and more about getting one started. She's got a 29 gallon that would be an awesome tank, or she may get a 10g (I'm pushing for the 29) ;)
Sounds great!
You've inspired many!
I'm curious about the price and care of your:
and on you post (post # 108, pg 3 i think)
the picture of the coral very last coral before your fish.
What is that?
Great job parker!
The price of my zoos is varied. The green/orange and lavender/green ones I got as part of a frag pack from but I don't remember the price - it's probably back on page 2 or 3 with the pics. I'll go look as soon as I post this. The red zoos were a bit more pricey at $30 for that rock. I've got them high, middle and low in the tank and mostly in low to medium water flow.

The fanworm was free - it's still itty bitty and just showed up as a hitchiker. It took several months to appear so it wasn't something I even knew I was getting. It's growing out of the sand and is in an area of relatively high water flow. It's growing just fine on its own, but I do occasionally spot feed with the stuff I feed the other corals as well.

The ricordea I think was $15 or so and I got it on aquabid. It's up high in the tank, but is moving itself down a little. It's out of the main waterflow, but not in a completely calm area either.

That very last coral in post #108 is my button polyps. They were the very first corals I got for the tank. There were yellow polyps on there too, but I lost all of them a long time ago.

OK, here's the bit about that order from seacrop...
I ordered some new coral/polyp frags from last night - a 3 piece nano frag-pack of 1 mushroom, 1 soft and 1 polyp. Then, I ordered a gorgeous zoanthid - orange with bright green skirt. I got them all for $67 including shipping.

Shipping was $40, so I got all of the corals from them for $27. I was looking back at the pic of when I first got them and can't believe how much the green/orange zoas have really spread and covered the rock! ...and that lone, single red mushroom is now nearly 20!
Did some more work in the tank tonight. With as fast as the corky gorgonian was spreading, I wanted to get some other rocks close by or under the rubble it's encrusted to already so that I can frag it easily to bring into the lfs. Got it set up so that it should spread well and also fragged the green star polyps and rubber banded a good sized piece to another rock. Plus, I have one rock that has some mushrooms and buttom polyps on that I think may be ready to take in soon. Another rock has some zoas on one end that I'm going to watch for development as well.

My ricordea's looking like it's got 2 mouths now, but not really showing any further signs of fission. That's next for investigation....
Back from vacation and things look great. I lost the shrimp, but other than that, everything is doing just fine :)
What did you do about top ups while you were away parker?

Starting to think about an auto top up system myself.

(having said that I should get the tank first :p )
I didn't do anything... I just topped off right before I left and when I got home. It took a whole gallon to top off when I got home, but everything was fine.
Well, I'm closing up shop. Nothing's wrong with the tank or anything, but a friend of mine has expressed interest in a nano tank. Space is kinda cramped in our living room (it looks like a Fisher-Price factory exploded with all the toys we have around...) so I'm giving up some space to help get some of the kids' stuff organized... I'm selling my tank to my friend. I'm glad to sell it to her b/c she's been researching like crazy and I know she'll take good care of it.

I'll be around still though!
Parker....that is really sad. I can understand your plight, having 2 kids myself. You should feel proud tho' having been the foundation of starting tank is a direct result of your work. I hope you stick with us here as your experience is invaluable. Your friend, Frank.

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