I ended up liking where everything ended up in my aquascaping project
I have had a couple of snail casualties though. I lost a margarita snail that got stuck in between the mag-float and the top of the tank, wedged in, I guess. The water level dropped just a little and I didn't notice it up there soon enough. When I moved the mag-float, the snail fell. I didn't realize at the time how long it had been there so I left it to see if it would be OK. Well, it wasn't so my hermits have had a real feast. I guess one of my 2 remaining (of 3) nassarius snails got a little too close b/c just this afternoon I noticed the red-leg hermit that had already claimed the other/deceased nassarius shell was busy "emptying" this one too. Morbid, but absolutely fascinating. When it had the shell mostly empty, I got to watch it pop out of the shell it was in and into the other one. It slipped in and then disappeared popping in and out, "tossing out" the remainder of the snail as it cleaned the shell out. The shell as of right now is kinda trapped under the shell he just abandoned, so I'll have to check back on him in a bit and see if he needs help getting out - they never have before though...
My firefish is acting funny. It's not been eating quite as well as normal and is looking a little "droopy". It's swimming fine though and is eating and then will suddenly be swimming around all perked up. I'll just have to keep an eye on it.
The frag of purple corky gorgonian that I got is doing excellent. Its encrusting foot is already growing off the rubble it was attached to and is extending out and attaching to the rock that it's perched on.
The blue mushroom really should win some sort of hardiness award, it's fully attached to the rock and is in great shape.
My little clownfish has had no further "episodes" like the one a few weeks ago, but does act a little weird (weirder than normal even) any time I feed cyclopeze, so I've been taking it easy with that stuff.
I just found out one of my friends here is also a "fish person" and has been wanting to do a nano tank but the lfs (there's really only one here in town) has been talking her out of it. When she found out I had one and have been successful, she's thinking more and more about getting one started. She's got a 29 gallon that would be an awesome tank, or she may get a 10g (I'm pushing for the 29)