I almost had a real disaster in my tank today. I fed my little guys some Cyclopeze, like I often do and suddenly my poor little clownfish was swimming *really* erratically (even for him, which is saying a lot) just lying there on the top of the water, limp as could be. He'd drift into the current from the filter, tumble down, struggle to right himself and then just float again. I was just beside myself - my little clownfish is my absolute favorite out of either of my tanks and I've had him since he was sooooo tiny. We had to go out for the afternoon/evening and when I left, he had managed to get himself to a quiet spot behind the skimmer with not any real current and was just lying there, completely still

I thought he was a goner for sure and was having all sorts of thoughts about just packing the nano tank in b/c he's practically my whole reason for keeping it now.
I don't know what happened. I don't know if fish can choke, or get a piece of food in them that's too big to digest or that blocks off water flow through its gills or what, but that's what I think happened. Something similar, but on a MUCH less dramatic and serious level when I've put in little bits of dried brine shrimp that are still a bit big for his bitty mouth. He's always been just fine within minutes, this time we had to leave nearly 5-10mins after I fed him and he was just lying there.
THANK GOODNESS, but when we got home, he was just swimming around the front of the tank like nothing had happened

This little guy is such a trooper!!
Oh - I got an aquabid auction for a blue mushroom and "a freebie" and I got an email from the guy that my freebie is a frag of purple corky gorgonia. I don't know much about those, but it seems like they like moderate light and moderate/high waterflow - I think we can accomodate that just fine

The blue and purple should be a nice addition!