Alright, here's a bump up
Everything is just running smoothly in the tank
I still have more hair algae than I want, but it's just an eyesore, not endangering my fish so I've been lazy about doing anything about it.
Tomorrow comes the PhosBan. I can probably get it from liveaquaria cheaper than from the lfs so I'll probably do that...and I may throw in a new heater as this one's pretty much crapped out. Luckily it's warm enough here that room temp is pretty much good enough for both my FW and SW tanks.
One fun update is that my green clown goby has been out and about more often. He's been pretty shy, but lately I've been catching him out on the rocks more and more during the day.
I have at least 4 hermit crabs - I saw them all at the same time today so I was able to get a quick count. There may have been more hiding, but I've got at least 4
Ok, now I need to get to bed and get my feet up. Pregnancy swelling's no fun but it's not too bad! Sitting in this chair most of the day probably isn't helping

Everything is just running smoothly in the tank

Tomorrow comes the PhosBan. I can probably get it from liveaquaria cheaper than from the lfs so I'll probably do that...and I may throw in a new heater as this one's pretty much crapped out. Luckily it's warm enough here that room temp is pretty much good enough for both my FW and SW tanks.
One fun update is that my green clown goby has been out and about more often. He's been pretty shy, but lately I've been catching him out on the rocks more and more during the day.
I have at least 4 hermit crabs - I saw them all at the same time today so I was able to get a quick count. There may have been more hiding, but I've got at least 4
Ok, now I need to get to bed and get my feet up. Pregnancy swelling's no fun but it's not too bad! Sitting in this chair most of the day probably isn't helping