Nano Tank Diary...

I was investigating my tank further this morning and I noticed that my red mushroom has propogated again!! Now, I've got the one main stalk and 2 "babies", maybe even 3 - I can't tell if there's another little one growing or not quite yet.

Too cool B)
Hey Parker...stopping by. Question...what filter media are you using in your nano? SH
ess17 said:
Isn't it about time for some new pics :D
I'm too embarassed - there's hair algae running rampant :*)

SH - In my little AC filter, I have the sponge media and ceramic rings. In the larger AC filter, I have the sponge filter and the PhosZorb. I know the rings and sponge can be nitrate factories, so I wash them out every so often.
Parker...I'd get rid of those ....if possible. So far, I've been running with good luck except for the bubble which is a hitchhiker and the cyano which seems under control. Try the following, if possible with your setup:

-ditch the sponges, beads, etc
-add ChemiPure, SeaGel and if possilbe, may be witches brew, but, at this point, do you have anything to lose?
-keep on trimming that stuff back
-can you make a deal with your lfs to get a yellow tang, small one, and return him when he gets bigger? they are supposed to graze on hair algae? SH
Thanks for those tips...

I'll have to see what I can do. I know that the lfs is awesome and swaps out FW fish like there's no tomorrow, but I'm not sure what their policy is for SW...

I've got a little of the bubble algae and some macros, but they are staying in place and aren't overtaking the whole tank like the hair algae is. The up-side is that the fish are all doing really well, as are my corals and other inverts so at while the algae may be unsightly, at least it's not an immediate threat to my important things in there!

I'll hit PetSmart tomorrow to check out the ChemiPure, SeaGel and Purigen.

Thank you again!

It's funny, I saw your post that you accidentally posted here instead of your own journal and thought that somehow *my* post had gotten misdirected to *your* thread :rolleyes: :lol:
Hey Parker...just to help you feel like you are not alone...someone posted on my thread that the reason I have a growth of cyano is that , sadly, if the goby died and was trapped under the rock, the decay would have caused the outgrowth. Unfortunately, it makes good sense and seems logical. SH
Damn, that's a sad reason for the cyano growth :/ Makes sense though.....

Just got back from the lfs for my weekly water run. I also picked up some of their "special recipe" stuff. It's not something they make there in the store, but a FW algae product that they worked with the manufacturer to make it SW safe. $10 for 8wks worth, a lot better than that crappy PhosZorb that didn't even work!

So, this evening I will do another big trim of the algae that's there, remove ALL the filter media and plunk the mesh bag with this new stuff in one of the ACs.

Hopefully this will work!

They did say that they have had a dosing problem with small tanks where this stuff can kill the inverts so he adjusted the dose accordingly to hopefully spare my snails and crabs!
Yuck! I removed a whole paper cup full of nasty hair algae and there's still more in there :sick:

I also took all of the filter media out of both filters - didn't want it adding more nitrates back into the system. The skimmer is collecting skimmate as well.

Did a big water change and then added in my algae killing stuff. The good news is that the dose is low enough that it's not affected any of my inverts. Now, hopefully it'll be high enough to take care of the algae.

I *think* I remember them saying that within 2-3wks, it should be 90% gone. Let's hope so!
Totally unrelated to my SW tank, but I found 2 baby kribs in my FW tank today!

Well, the phosphate reducer has been in for almost 3wks and it's looking really good :) It's definitely still there, but is brownish instead of green and is not coming back after I get rid of it. It's taking a while to get out all that was there, but it's looking MUCH better.

Now that the algae's under control, I get to treat myself to a new coral!!! YAY!
Aquabid is great!! I just got a polyp of Ricordea (green or blue hopefully) for $10, plus since the guy's close enough and it's warm out, he's sending it Priority Mail! No huge overnight/express mail fees :kana: I can't wait to see it - I love the ricordea!
I'm back :)

I had my baby boy 2wks ago on June 8 and we named him Mason. He's doing really well and now all our company has left so I finally get some computer time :)

My tank is doing better than ever. The ricordea came the day that I had Mason, thankfully my mother in law was here to get the package and take care of getting it set in the tank. She was responsible for maintaining her ex-husband's HUGE reef tank, so I was comfortable with having her do it. Besides, I had no choice as I was in the hospital :) It's a really pretty blue-green and is doing very well.

My other tank purchase, in celebration of my triumph over my hair algae, which is 90% gone, was a star polyp. I got it from my lfs and am very happy with it. It's a nice sized colony for my little tank and it's settling in well too.

I have severly neglected my tank for anything other than FW top offs and feedings but thankfully everything's doing well so we're back on track with maintenance and everything now :)

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