How many believe that a form of life could exist elsewhere in the universe?

Now if there was intelligent life out there, the big question for civilians of earth and the governments is, are they friendlies? It would suck if we sent out a message that they somehow got (who knows, aliens could be years ahead of us or years behind us) and it was christopher colomubus with the "Indians" (native Americans) except were the Indians possibly...
Then how would governments on earth be affected? Would laws have to be changed on our planet? How would we be affected as an earthly culture rather than Country cultures?
Just to throw some more stupid ideas around and create more controversy, some believe the covid19 pandemic was encouraged to get people vaccinated against an alien invasion.

The governments know they are out there. The governments are concerned about potential alien threats to this planet. The governments work together to get everyone vaccinated against various alien viruses they found on bodies in Roswell.

Much better to say there is a global pandemic and you should be vaccinated, than to say aliens are coming to get us, take this vaccine so you don't die from alien chickenpox.
You can believe whatever you want but that don't make it so. NASA type characters have been sending probes into deep space and to asteroids for decades now and they're coming up with nothing. Nothing at all
Nasa has not reached deep space. With our current technology it would take about 500 years for a probe from earth to reach the nearest star 4 light years away. We don't know how to make a probe that would last that long. We have only been able to explore the major plants in our solar system. Most are gas giants with no solid surface and very cold temperatures. The others are either too hot or have no atmosphere.

But that said there were two surprising finds. Jupiters mood Europa is covered in ice but appears to have a liquid ocean under the ice. Saturns moon Enceledus is also covered in ice but it has geysers of salt water jetting out from some cracks in the ice. Both have cores that are being heated by tidal forcees and may have molten cores. They could have aquatic life.

Right now Nasa is building a probe to orbit Europa to confirm the pressence of an ocean. Getting a probe through the icy surface however will be difficult. The ice could be 15 to 25 miles thick. The ocean may be 100 miles deep. The thickest ice on earth is about 3 miles thick and the deepest place in the Pacific ocean is 6.7 miles deep.

Given that our solar system has three places with a water ocean there is a very good probabilitytht there is life somewhere else. But intelligent life with technology to explore space might rare. with Most places however might be just limited ro bacterial, plant, or aquatic life.
This is about how stupid humans are, we can't even talk to the other species of animals on this planet but decide it is a clever idea to find some life form from another planet and talk to it. In fact, what makes humans even dumber is we can't even talk to each other universally, why the heck haven't we just got one language?
Nasa has not reached deep space. With our current technology it would take about 500 years for a probe from earth to reach the nearest star 4 light years away. We don't know how to make a probe that would last that long. We have only been able to explore the major plants in our solar system. Most are gas giants with no solid surface and very cold temperatures. The others are either too hot or have no atmosphere.

But that said there were two surprising finds. Jupiters mood Europa is covered in ice but appears to have a liquid ocean under the ice. Saturns moon Enceledus is also covered in ice but it has geysers of salt water jetting out from some cracks in the ice. Both have cores that are being heated by tidal forcees and may have molten cores. They could have aquatic life.

Right now Nasa is building a probe to orbit Europa to confirm the pressence of an ocean. Getting a probe through the icy surface however will be difficult. The ice could be 15 to 25 miles thick. The ocean may be 100 miles deep. The thickest ice on earth is about 3 miles thick and the deepest place in the Pacific ocean is 6.7 miles deep.

Given that our solar system has three places with a water ocean there is a very good probabilitytht there is life somewhere else. But intelligent life with technology to explore space might rare. with Most places however might be just limited ro bacterial, plant, or aquatic life.

Deep space means beyond our solar system. I've been casually studying this stuff most of my life and still can't say that I actually comprehend the distances involved between objects in deep space. It is something that our minds just can't really comprehend as we have no experience with this. I mean light travels at a speed of ~186,000 miles per second yet takes ~4.37 years to reach the closest star, Alpha Centauri. To even begin to conceive this take the speed of light, ~186,000 miles per second, then take the 4.37 light years to the nearest star other than Sol, our sun. 4.37 years equates to 137,812,320 seconds. to even see the number of miles you would multiply 186,000 X 137,812,320 which equals 25,633,091,520,000 miles and that is just to the closest star. The human mind just can't really comprehend numbers of this size as we have nothing to compare with.

I consider the possibilities involved with Europa and Enceladus quite interesting but would not be surprised if nothing turned up. Sadly, at 67, I strongly doubt that I'll still be around when they find out. I'm sure that we will find other life if we don't kill ourselves first. It would be sort of nice to still be around when that happens even if it is just bacteria. It would just be nice to know for fact that we are not alone. ;)
This is about dumb humans as well, we have 6000000000 humans on this planet and because 6 of them get together and tell the other 5999999994 something the 5999999994 believe it, because the 6 are meant to be clever.
Deep space means beyond our solar system. I've been casually studying this stuff most of my life and still can't say that I actually comprehend the distances involved between objects in deep space. It is something that our minds just can't really comprehend as we have no experience with this. I mean light travels at a speed of ~186,000 miles per second yet takes ~4.37 years to reach the closest star, Alpha Centauri. To even begin to conceive this take the speed of light, ~186,000 miles per second, then take the 4.37 light years to the nearest star other than Sol, our sun. 4.37 years equates to 137,812,320 seconds. to even see the number of miles you would multiply 186,000 X 137,812,320 which equals 25,633,091,520,000 miles and that is just to the closest star. The human mind just can't really comprehend numbers of this size as we have nothing to compare with.
Another big number to compare this to:
The US deficit is 30,000,000,000,000 dollars.
Hmmm. Signals coming from an alien civilisation….or interference. I’ll go with interference.
That's the most probable cause, even though it would be aweaome for it to be a civilization! (Peaceful of course)

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