How many believe that a form of life could exist elsewhere in the universe?

One clue for an advanced civilization and survival? They've not sent a single probe to us. Not one from either four or 400 inhabited advanced species in the Milky Way. They know a bad idea when they hear it.
One clue for an advanced civilization and survival? They've not sent a single probe to us. Not one from either four or 40 million inhabited advanced species in the Milky Way. They know a bad idea when they hear it.
Two obstacles here.

Distance and hence time for any probe to arrive. Question: Where is our farthest probe right now?

Number of probes needed for a reasonable probability that one was sent our way. And in the short amount of time that there has benn sentient life on earth. You need to compare the number of species bothering to send probes, and the number each sends, with the total number of potential targets, taking into account the distance each probe can reasonably travel. i.e. a species is likely not going to send a probe 1000 light years.
I'm sure that most have heard of SETI which is the largest life search that I know of and is funded as non-profit. The following link goes to their news section. Since it is funded through non-profit feel free to donate if you believe in this stuff.

The University of California Berkley runs SETI @ Home but are no longer sending out tasks which I find a shame. How it worked was that you installed their app and they would send samples to you for testing. When the test was done the results would be sent back. I was involved in this for years as were millions of others with home systems. The process resulted in millions of systems joined together processing info. Even though they are not currently sending out samples here is a link.

While the following isn't exactly on topic I think it still fits...

A lot of people believe that the space program is a total waste of money but don't realize what we have today due to that waste of money. Without the space program we would likely not have home computers, cell phones, microwaves, MRI scanning, CT scanning and many other things we take for granted.
Any exploration that is done should only be done by the Australians or New Zealanders, then at lest we know when we find something they will be greeted with " Gidday Mate would you like a Beer". Which is much better than most other Nations can offer.
We're Americans, bomb the crap out of it then shoot the poop out of whatever's left

We're British, monitor then nuke it (with the Queen's blessing)

We're Russian, invade it and control it at all cost (too soon?)

We're French, we make mad passionate love to it and hope it doesn't eat us

We're China, make poor quality copies of it and sell them to everyone
We're Americans, bomb the crap out of it then shoot the poop out of whatever's left

We're British, monitor then nuke it (with the Queen's blessing)

We're Russian, invade it and control it at all cost (too soon?)

We're French, we make mad passionate love to it and hope it doesn't eat us

We're China, make poor quality copies of it and sell them to everyone
But its true...
I doubt it, Earth most probably thinks. I wish all this life would go away and leave me in peace. I'm sick of having holes drilled in me and having my skin reshaped, "Every time they scrape my surface it tickles, and frankly I wish I could just sleep".
So, who here believes that there could be a life form (intelligent, plant, or animal) living on another planet.
With way over a million other planets in the universe and new ones still being found, I personally believe it is absolutely possible for some sort of life form to live out there. One form of microscopic life from earth has already been found to survive in the vacuum of space which shows that life is possible, even in the most deadly of places.
What do you believe? Are we all alone in this universe or are there other entities whether that may be plants or animals, intelligent or non-intelligent?

Edit: I would like to give credit to @JuiceBox52 for recommending me to start a thread on this. If she hadnt mentioned it I probably wouldnt have thought of it or this would have been posted sometime in the future.
Thanks Juice!

I believe that in the vastness of the cosmo, there is the possibility of other life forms. I believe it’s arrogant of us to believe we are the only creatures.
I believe that in the vastness of the cosmo, there is the possibility of other life forms. I believe it’s arrogant of us to believe we are the only creatures.
But the question is
will we find them before they find us 👽
But the question is
will we find them before they find us 👽
Maybe they already habe and they are staying quiet... Or were all just lost in space...

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