How many believe that a form of life could exist elsewhere in the universe?

Maybe we live in a fishtank, kept by a creature that has grown bored with doing water changes and is letting it all run down and go toxic while it plays 1980s video games where the space invaders win.
We live in the Age of bacteria, and since the discovery of deep sea vent life, and bacterial life deep underground (really deep underground...) I see no way there wouldn't be life out there. We're just residents of one very beautiful place where it has happened the way it's happened here.
Ok so I don’t think there’s other life in our specific universe but possibly in other universes or… And in other multi-verses I know I know it sounds like some marvel stuff. But it is a very possible hypothetical possibility and maybe they’re not aliens maybe they’re just us from the future or from another time. OR because we have had no Time travelers come back to the past… Maybe we don’t have a future. Maybe we don’t make it that far. Maybe there’s nothing past 2024 or 2023. Maybe we all get wiped out just like a dinosaurs in the next week. Or maybe we just disappear… And then… Nothing.
Ok so I don’t think there’s other life in our specific universe but possibly in other universes or… And in other multi-verses I know I know it sounds like some marvel stuff. But it is a very possible hypothetical possibility and maybe they’re not aliens maybe they’re just us from the future or from another time. OR because we have had no Time travelers come back to the past… Maybe we don’t have a future. Maybe we don’t make it that far. Maybe there’s nothing past 2024 or 2023. Maybe we all get wiped out just like a dinosaurs in the next week. Or maybe we just disappear… And then… Nothing.
Marvel's "multi-universe" is based on a scientific theory that couldnt even be solved by Einstein. Its called the string theory and there are people that believe in it... It does sound like a far fetched idea but its nit completely impossible. Scientists know that if you go a certain speed in space, it creates a warp in time and then time travel is possible... But the problem with that is we dont have a ship to counter balance the G-force on a human. Qhoever travels that speed in a normally armored space ship would instantly die and the ship would explode.
Also, when you say "our universe" I assume you mean galaxy?

Maybe we wouldnt know about time travellers because they want to stay secret. Chances are if there is a time machine in the future it would not be used for civilian things, just government experimentation and missions. Like the show quantum leap but maybe a little different...
Maybe we live in a fishtank, kept by a creature that has grown bored with doing water changes and is letting it all run down and go toxic while it plays 1980s video games where the space invaders win.
We live in the Age of bacteria, and since the discovery of deep sea vent life, and bacterial life deep underground (really deep underground...) I see no way there wouldn't be life out there. We're just residents of one very beautiful place where it has happened the way it's happened here.
Kind of like that twilight zone episodes with a girl playing with the live people like they're her dolls
Kind of like that twilight zone episodes with a girl playing with the live people like they're her dolls
They captured them after an accident and then kept them in a little enclosure of what their "habitat" was like... See how stressed they were though?
Eh we are always stressed. Wouldn’t be any different behavior XD
Have you seen twilight zone before? The older versions not the weird remakes... If you saw it I think you would understand I bit more
I don’t think I have seen more then one episode but I think I’ll have to start binge watching that next
Oof, lots of episodes... Warning though, they have a few doll episodes... Those a really freaky... Dolls always scare me.... Along with creepy clowns 😂
What do I believe....paranormal, yes.....extraterrestrial, not so much

ET was cute and cuddly....but all I wanted to do with Darth Vader is give him a jar of Vicks decongestant.

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