How many believe that a form of life could exist elsewhere in the universe?

If there are alien civilizations watching us, I don't know why on earth they'd contact us. Maybe there's something like this...

If there are alien civilizations watching us, I don't know why on earth they'd contact us. Maybe there's something like this...

I always imagine aliens coming on this huge ship and the government goes to meet them all serious like... And then the door opens and they come out with a tablet and say: "We have a fine for littering in this solar system... Sorry its taken this long to get the bill here" and then they just leave 😂😂😂
We're Americans, bomb the crap out of it then shoot the poop out of whatever's left

We're British, monitor then nuke it (with the Queen's blessing)

We're Russian, invade it and control it at all cost (too soon?)

We're French, we make mad passionate love to it and hope it doesn't eat us

We're China, make poor quality copies of it and sell them to everyone
Japanese: Study their technology, reverse engineer it, and produce a new version that works better and costs 1/2 as much.

Aussies: Invite them to a barbeque. Yell "Crikey!" and ask the US for help when the aliens prove not to appreciate the taste of lager.

Italians: Drink some wine. What aliens?

Brazilians: Invite the aliens to Mardi Gras. Get them jamming so hard on the rhythms and so loaded on cachaca that they forget their invasion plans entirely.
could aliens from other planets take over the bodies of human beings...could we be possessed by aliens. This 65 year old horror movie is showing what could happen
@Back in the fold

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